Most days the boys are happy a good part of the day with only the normal brotherly squabbles. Some days one, the other, or both are just more emotional. I think it must be tough to be a little person. So many feelings and not so much experience with them yet. It seems as they grow they go through periods when they are more sensitive and emotional. For A, during those times if a beautiful piece of music comes on it reduces him to tears (sweet boy). Those days are more of a roller coaster ride.

All I can do is give extra hugs and snuggles and be SURE only spunky upbeat music will be heard. No alt rock ballads, no movie soundtracks and DEFINITELY no classical music. Oh, and no spunky songs with haunting melodies. Maybe just three favorite upbeat songs played over and over. Well, that might be too much, how about that one song. Just hit repeat.
Wow, what a sensitive boy. I think it's awesome that music moves him! How old is he?
Hello, I just found your blog, I'm so happy I did. The picture of your son singing was a good way to start the day, I check my blog every morning before I go to milk the cow and I found you through another blog I read:) (He might like Joni Mitchell if he's into melancholy music, my daughter and I like to belt her songs out)
Awwwwwwww! Poor little bugger.
I saw a doco once with people that could see, smell & feel music.
Maybe A is a little like them...Xxx
Your son sounds like such a sweetheart. That's pretty amazing that he's so perceptive and sensitive to music. I sometimes wonder if musicians/artists feel things more deeply than others.
Awww, sweet little guy! I can appreciate his sensitivity though. I like happy, upbeat little songs myself. However, I love classical although I didn't when I was little. Maybe it's something he'll grow into ;)
We get some similar reactions here, too. That's how I look when Jonathan puts on his playlist for the umpteenth time. :)
We're headed to St. Louis tomorrow for several days, so I probably won't get a chance to email before I go - will pick up where we left off when I return!
Have a great week - please thaw everything out while I'm gone, wouldja?
I love it! He's going to be an amazing man someday.
what a sweet, sensitive boy you have there! interestingly...my 3 yr old daughter has a similar reaction to slow, sweet songs!
He's so sweet... my son is very sensitive, too. I hope he won't be like his mom (any little thing can make me cry and I'm not sura that would be easy for a man!)
How real! It's also full moon lunar eclipse in Cancer, sob, sob.
I think A looks just like his Papa and G looks just like you. They look so different from each other. I read a book today to the kids, a chapter book, that I sobbed my way through. Feelings, especially deep ones are very important. And I agree that artists feel things more deeply than others-thank the heavens for that!
To be moved is to be ALIVE!
Thanks for sharing. He is SO cute!
Oh...and another of your paintings peeps through. You are amazing Denise!!
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