And while I gaze at the white floating down, and love how the amber streetlights light up the snow, I do dream of spring. Green. Not just any green. That riot of green that comes in Wisconsin as the landscape explodes with life.

I like having 4 seasons. Seeing the world fade into winter, the starkness and survival in the harsh cold and snow, the bursting of life each spring, and the rain and relentless sun all summer as things grow and thrive from our soil.

It is not long before I start my seedlings. I love going down the steps into the basement, seeing the bright lights over my tiny vegetables and herbs, watering them, smelling the soil, thinning out, checking everything, rubbing the leaves gently to release the smell of the tiny basil, dill or lemon balm. The boys love to help and are excited each day by the progress they can see.
Until then, a little eye candy to go with my shoveling.
Love that top photo! I know just where it is! Last night Evie asked to "plant something--anything." We planted wheatgrass just because it will be so lush and green. Thanks for the reminder that having four seasons makes us so much more appreciative of the changes! Off to shovel!
I am so with you on needing Spring to arrive. A little early wouldn't hurt :)
Oh, thanks for that eye candy! We are looking forward to spring too, but of course we love the four distinct seasons. Have to in Minnesota.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. So you're the older one! My husband is 11 years older than me. Funny how these things work. I can definitely see being the older woman might've been more controversial, though.
*smiles* from me too
I love that forest picture. We have very different, coniferous forests where I live. Wisconsin looks beautiful.
ummmmm... green.....:)
What a treat for the eyes, green green green! A nice escape as we get to the end of winter. I'm excited for starting seeds, too.
I think I remember a world like that, all green and warm.....we took inspiration from your trip to the botanical gardens/greenhouse, Amelia and I are planning to spend a day at the Botanical Gardens in NYC on Mar. 19th, I wish it were sooner!
Oh, how the longing for spring moved in me as I looked at the pictures!
We have great weather today--60 degrees. BUT...more cold weather and snow expected tomorrow night. March--coming in like a lion and a lamb--again!
Dreaming of spring; yes, that may be what spring is after all. A dream.
oh, beautiful GREEN!
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