Sun! Blue skies! Warmth! Breezy! Put the plans aside. A day like this after so much rain is a day to be enjoyed. We spent the morning on the deck to let the yard dry out in the sun. It is a cozy spot with the gazebo giving us shade. The boys happily drew and wrote on the chalkboard, read books, told each other elaborate stories, cooed at the bird, played in the sandbox, and made up funny games.
I love sitting on the deck, reading a book or sketching while the boys play, drinking obscene amounts of espresso, watching the birds (while the boys add a sticker in their book for each bird they have seen), and listening to one of my
playlists on the
iPod speakers.
This afternoon after the yard dried a bit, we walked through to look at everything more closely. While there is some damage, it is not bad. Some hail damage to the
swiss chard and cabbage. A few plants bent over a bit - but not broken. My bed with root veggies is covered in mud and holey, but overall it will survive. The water drained and dried with all the wind and sun today, so that helped a lot! And not surprisingly, one plus from all the rain is that things grew a LOT over a few days.
One of the beds yesterday - what was flat now has sinkholes from rain overflow:
Today - dirty and some hail damage, but still there!
And-------- raspberries!
In the afternoon I weeded and cleaned up the beds as the boys played in the grass...tag (well,
I was "it" many times too!), hide and seek, fishing, truck races, bubbles...and they put on a special "play" for me. A "synchronized swimming" (!) skit. Many times. So interesting to see where imagination leads! And so great to be outside on such a nice day.