Halloween is one of those holidays that is fun for kids, but makes me uncomfortable about the junk candy and the garbage. I know my boys want to be able to trick or treat with the hundreds of kids roaming the neighborhood, but after sorting their haul, there is nothing left which is edible for a 4 & 2 year old (not to mention lead toys, and choking hazards), and oy the trash. I have seen a few websites that have some great ideas for alternate sweets, fair trade goodies, and lots more.
Check them out here:
Green Lemonade>>Tricks for (Green) Treats•
Have a Happy, Green Halloween from ecochildplay•
Green Halloween•
Tricks and Treats for Halloween from The Sierra ClubHave a ghoulishly green Halloween!
Found your blog via Flickr. What a great find!
I'll have to go check those out.
I always always give out erasers, pencils, stickers, rats, skeletons, eyeballs... I'm THAT lady! lol
I would be so happy if folks (could) gave out apples, homemade anything, crafts...anything besides candy. Ugh!
OK, I'll go read now. Thanks!
a "GREEN" Halloween...wow now that would be a REAL TREAT!
Off we go to the local school Halloween Carnival tonight to fill our bags with what I call "CRAP"...sorry. I just can't stand to go through the boys' bags and see all the wrappers, plastic 'oriental trading post' toys, and SUGAR! But yet I feel compelled to let my guys join in...and suffer the consequences later. UGH!
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