They arrived! Today our sprouter and sprouting seeds arrived. This is something we wanted for easier sprouting for our bread - and also a great tie in with all the planting excitement this week. We ordered two blends - Amber Waves of Grain is a mix of grains that we will sprout and use in our bread baking. French Garden is a green sprout mix which we will use as a salad base, sandwich ingredient, or raw snack. Yum.

The boys wanted to do the steps for sprouting, so we started a batch right away. We first measured the mix, put it in the container, rinsed well, and then covered with water to soak. The boys will help check/rinse a few more times after this initial soak cycle is done and then we will have sprouts!

G was more interested in the process of prepping the seeds, but A was very interested in the additional books that came in from the library today. He had two books come in about seeds/plants, a few cool books about the human body, and some other fun story reading. His favorite plant book today:

Plant Packages: A Book About Seeds
by Susan Blackaby
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
I have one of those and LOVE it! YOu can also sprout in just bowls.. making sure to rinse and drain well. Such fun. I love sprouting.. so good for you too! Enjoy! Reminds me I have tons of seeds in the basement freezer that I need to try.
Where did you get the sprouter. When MLC was little, we did our sprouts in jars lined with paper kept in the dark lazy susan.
Haven't done this in too long! And the best thing about doing your own sprouts is that you don't have to worry much about strange bacteria.
This is something I've always been interested in trying. Thanks for posting about this.
Elisheva - Our sprouter is from the Sprout People (sproutpeople.com). They also have all of the organic seed/sprout mixes...so many to try!
thanks for the reminder...we have ours tucked away in a cabinet and have not sprouted anything since we moved from Unalakleet...guess it is time to pull that out...the boys' love to be in charge of it!
Your boys' look like quite the indoor gardners...it is so fun to see green in January!
I use a mason jar and screen lid. We ate pea greens today and it was completely invigorating. I think you could really live on sprouts!
Hi Denise,
It was great to meet you yesterday! I am feeling especially rejuvenated and inspired after my afternoon session with Manish. We decided to form a yahoo e-group to continue the dialogue, so email me if you're interested. piscesgrrl(at)aeroinc(dot)net
Now I'm hungry for sprouts.
And speaking of, thx for giving me your fruit at lunch yesterday. LOL I'd had a fruit smoothie for breakfast though, so by dinnertime I was really in need of something hearty!
great post! Something I have wanted to do for my bread, now I'm inspired.
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