I'm a bit out of commision this week. My husband came down with the influenza bug first...then a few days later, A, then me, then last night, G. Bad headaches, high fevers, chills, shaking, body aches, coughing. YUK!

During the days of immobility in a pile of little boys on the couch, the snow came down. A lot of snow. It is white and beautiful and windswept out there.

Hope you feel better soon. You took some great photos.
denise - hope your little clan is feeling better soon! thanks for visiting my waldorfmama blog and leaving a comment. :) i'll be visiting yours regularly here. :) love the snow pics! beautiful! we don't get much here in texas. :)
that has to be the sweetest picture(1st one)...i hope you are all on the mend...no fun to be ill!
lovely snow!
I hope that you all feel better soon!
While it's NO FUN to be sick there is something about being all tucked in, sniffling, and watching the snow come down in it's beautiful hazy snowy way...you just feel safe.
Hope you're all getting over the bug.
I hope you are feeling better soon! No fun.
Feel better family.
The dreaded sickies of winter seem to be upon us all!
Feel better soon!
my,my,my...look at the snow! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!
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