Boy, it is cold outside. This weekend, with my husband down and out with the flu bug and us staying cozy at home in this extreme freeze, we spent lots of time playing games. We have some board games, some card games, some silly guessing games, and many games we just made up. We choose games that G can play too. Here are just a few of our favorites from this weekend:

Zingo! They take turns operating the chip dispenser. Loud, boisterous, and great fun.

The Tea Party Game. We also have The Picnic Game. Who doesn't like spinning when it is their turn (and watch out for those ants/bees)?

Charades. We have a card version of charades which is good for little people. We also love to play our spunky free for all guessing game that we call "Who Am I?" A prefers the marine animal Who Am I? clues - but it is fun to see how creative they get!

Puzzles. We have lots of puzzles. G is definitely the puzzle master and is speedy quick with everything. A doesn't like puzzles usually (although he will take apart and re-assemble a complicated toy in 1 minute flat with only a mini screwdriver)...but A loves the word puzzle since he wants to read. We made up games using the words and images from the puzzles today-fun!
A few other favorites? Simon Says (the boys take turns being "Simon"), marbles, Go Fish, stick puppet quiz show, and many (many!) more.
What are the favorites games in your house?
We brought home Hawaiian Go Fish, the card game with native Hawaiian fish and names, from our vacation. It is hilarious to sound out the names and makes the old classic new again.
Karen--Oh My! That is GREAT! :) How fun!
We are into games right now as well, although we don't have quite the cold weather you're having. It's been in the teens/low twenties during the day and single digits at night - bet that sounds down right HOT to you! ;) We've been playing BlackJack, Monopoly and Mastermind. I just bought Conga, we'll give it a try tomorrow.
We are into the imaginary stuff right now, anything with ribbons & fabric that can be made into dresses for spoons is extra good. We also have a new "friend" called Alice hanging around alot. I've yet to meet her but she's here.
I'm gunna go get the cards out, thanks! Xxx
I've got a little something for you on my blog - come on over and see. :)
Ok, did that sound lewd? LOL
Max(cooperation/teamwork game)-- is one my boys' love to play and play...over and over again. The best part is we all work together to get to the end...non-competitive.
Another favorite is Guess Who? and Rat-a-Tat Cat.
Of course when your guys get a little older---Uno Attack! WE all have a FANTASTIC time playing this one.
we have some of the same games! we love the tea party game, big hit in our house so are the Haba games
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