We visited a new fabric store this weekend, and I found many nice cottons for a few projects. This fabric isn't for anything super complicated - just the basics...cloth napkins, table cloth, curtain, pillow cases, birthday banner, small bags, gift bags, etc.
This store is in a small town about 15 minutes south of town, so while we were there we wandered Main Street a bit. We found a toy store, so we visited and the boys bought some new puzzles. G, who is 2, LOVES puzzles, and so needed something new to work on - he picked a pirate ship!

Now if the two year old will work on his puzzle while I spend a little time here and there sewing...and not using the sound of the sewing machine as a cue to start shrieking PICK ME UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!
Ahhh, while sitting in a coffee shop in Madison, I stumbled across your blog! I love finding local bloggers, especially unschooling moms. :)
Thanks for linking to me and it's nice to make your acquaintance.
I read your blog quite often! Always nice to see other creative US moms in the area. :)
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