Things I love about the garden in August?
That after even the hottest summer days, when you walk through our arch in the evening when the garden has just been watered you can feel the temperature drop immediately and you are enveloped by the smell of damp earth and flowers ... like entering another world.

That when the grass all around is brittle and brown, the garden is still green and luscious.

That there are so many busy bees you can hear them buzz and sometimes feel them lightly brush by as they go about their way.

That there is something blooming somewhere, all the time.

That even though our tomatoes (and cucumbers, and peppers, and melons, and squash) come in a LOT later than everyone else in our area because of our garden location/sunlight (no matter how early we start), we do still get them.

That it all gets SO thick that my husband just about every night wanders with a shirt full of veggies saying "I can't find anything else!" and then I find another shirt worth.

That there are bushes flowering in August every year that are not supposed to. I have lilacs! In mid-August!

That under all of those leaves are a LOT of squash.

That even when I think we have lost something due to wet or dry to heat or cold, when pulling 'finished' plants I find things that have been busy winding their way where they need to go.

That there is always someone (big or small) out with me each evening, filling the watering can from the rain barrel, and carefully watering each and every pot we have.
And, that I'm not the only one out there talking to the birds, the chipmunk, the frog, the plants, or the bees.
beautiful photos of your garden in august!
Absolutely stunning photos of your garden!!! You're making miss summer...
I am just going to keep this post open on my desk for a couple of days and totally enjoy the view!!!
Hooray! I need to get out there today....
love the way you described the coolness + scent as you walk into the garden - it does make it feel otherworldly. ours is pretty much finished for the season so i'll have to come back to this post to live vicariously through yours ;-)
isn't it fun to have little boys as company talking with the wild ones? :)
beautiful pics !
I just happened upon your blog and your pictures are gorgeous! And you've inspired me to get out for more adventures.
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