Busy, busy. Oh, August! We are in the peak of summer and we are looking forward to fall. We have had a few nice cloudy with some much needed rain days and have been spending time close to home, but busy busy!
The boys have been busy...playing outside and inside. Snuggling. board games, karate, library, painting, robotics, building science kits, and this week making movies of each other with the video camera.
The kitchen is always a busy spot - this time of year the garden and CSA bring in an abundance of fruit and vegetables and it can be (who am I fooling, it IS) a full time job just keeping up! There has been canning, freezing, drying, baking, making. So good!
The home...I love re-arranging furniture and organizing. It makes everything feel fresh and on those hot hot days when we spend more time inside, it helps us feel all energized and creative. I also love walking into a nice bright and clean living room when my kitchen is overflowing with vegetables, canning jars and (a lot of) dirty pots! The boys always like it too and they recently got into refreshing their space and added some color and wall decals.

And last but not least, the garden. This time of year is jungle time. Tomatoes are just ripening, cucumbers are fattening up, the squash is growing so much every day it is amazing, and everything is so thickly entwined and jungle-like that it is sometimes hard to find and pick everything! I often find a HUGE cucumber in a bush or something. ;) But it is all so beautiful and busy.

I love that after a few months of slow and summer there is this mad dash to fall feeling once the garden starts to peak - the light changes, it starts getting dark a little earlier again, the mornings feel a little cooler. Ahhhh.

How is your August?
Love the pictures...the rooms look so cozy!
Where do you find the energy to do all you do?! I am truly amazed with everything!! My house seems like it's always falling apart and I couldn't keep up with you in the kitchen. You are seriously impressive!!!
Way cool robot kit!
I've been baking loads of zucchini bread as well and doing some freezing/canning although nothing on the order of your garden!
Happy August to you :)
What a magic August you've had! I remember back in May when you were wondering if summer would EVER come…now look at that garden! It's gorgeous.
I love all the photos of your house—it looks so cosy. And I adore the coloured bedspread and rainbow-spotted green walls in the bedroom!
Isn't Mindstorm wonderful?! We are about to set off on another robot adventure here with our homeschool Lego League team—this year, both kids are thinking of joining the team. Should be a lot of fun. And one day, maybe I'll figure out how to play with those robots myself! :)
Happy August, Denise!
What a gorgeous bountiful garden. Jungle sounds right! Your headline made me laugh too. My headline today is "Busy=Break." Yes, feeling too busy to blog...but apparently not feeling too busy to read blogs. :)
I am jealous of your garden. I have one but you get a lot more water then I do so yours is much more lush and green.
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