Happy March! Yay! I've been waiting to say that for like 28 days!
I feel like I haven't been here in ages. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by February, and to blog about ambulance rides and ear ruptures and then to come back to say it happened...again? That A has a tooth abscess? Oy. I don't like being negative every time. Yet to come blog about the gardening planning or seed starting only seemed to be running from our day to day. So I've been quiet.

I am happy to say, though, that February is over! G is doing much better, A is clearing up an infection before some oral surgery stuff this spring. And somehow there are only 6 days until A turns 8. EIGHT!

And the sun has been shining. And my boys have been slowly getting louder and spunkier and back to their old selves (A quiet house makes me antsy and they were so quiet for awhile there).

Even with all the February that has been going on here we have been busy. The at home puttering quiet boy spending time together kind of busy. The boys learning everything they can about how democracy is "supposed to" work and the Constitution kind of busy. The board games and baking and listening to music kind of busy.

The reading and writing and drawing and building and researching and singing kind of busy. The pile up and snuggle on the couch when their limited energy from not being 100% well again runs out and read tons of books and tell lots of jokes kind of busy.

As the sun comes out and the snow slowly melts and re-freezes, our temperatures fluctuate wildly and the weather changes on a dime I can feel that spring is coming soon. I can smell it. I can hear it. I can taste it. Spring is for renewal and fresh starts and energy and growth. I think I'm about ready. Are you?
Welcome back, Denise!! :)
And I'm with you - fare-thee-well to February!!
Glad everyone is doing SO much better. February was a wretched month for so many. And I understand the need to "be quiet." I've been feeling that a lot lately.
Sending love; gardening season will be here soon. YAY! xoxo ~Debbie
Yes, yes I'm ready for Spring !!!
Good news that your boys are feeling robust and ready for mud season ;)
I'm sorry you had more illness, but I'm glad you're all well, in time for celebrating!
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