My boys are growing up. They sometimes will remain in the room during photos and sometimes there is no way they want me to take their pictures. Which I totally respect.

But then again, they have new haircuts. My sensory guy who hates the feeling of his hairs being cut and of wind hitting his ears and of short hairs poking through hats wanted it SHORT! And his little brother decided he wanted short too, and would go first to make it easier. So they both have short really cute haircuts and I want some pix! But I had to get kind of sneaky. Not that I would sneak (they always look at the photos on the camera). So in the name of taking photos of them doing other things,

I kind of sort of have photos of their haircuts. Or not.
cute!cute!cute! my boys have issues with hair as well. to cut or not to cut? short or long? and neither can stand the sensation of cut hair falling on his skin and "spicing" it(the skin) up. their words, i swear. we always manage to get through it, but it generally takes half a day.
Or not. ;-)
My husband wants to get our son a haircut, a prefer to have them grow a little bit more. He is so cute like this, just 3 and still sometimes a baby face...
Or not!!! So funny, So life, so true... love it!!!
those are some handsome coifs !!
owen really doesn't like his hair cut either but luckily my husband does it so we can get creative with distractions that make the process go
more smoothly.
I cut their hair too. The two or so times we tried a kid 'salon' ended up in chaos. They don't move fast enough. ;)
THis time I setup the laptop with a science show for A and it helped a lot. I think cutting it all off helped it go faster too - not so many of those teeny slivers that drive him nuts.
My boys and haircuts don't always go together! Glad you got *some* photos :)
Most pictures I take of my kids is before they realize I'm taking them. If Kyan notices I'm taking a picture he will look at me and say cheese (hears that a lot from extended family), and if Damek notices he will pull a silly face:)
I love your pictures... and the models, big time.
I never had to experience proper haircuts as a kid (if you don't count trimming the ends), being the little goldilocks I used to be. But I can totally appreciate that they don't like to have their hair cut, because even as an adult, the thought of somebody messing around with a pair of scissors very close to my head creeps me out. And just like ladybugs boys, I dislike cut hair "spicing" my skin!
They are gorgeous little boys...that's for sure.
I always cut Isaac's hair too (had never thought of the laptop though...will definitely be trying that next time) and it usually goes pretty smoothly. His hair is so sweet longer...but it starts to drive him crazy as the weather warms up. He is a very hot little guy and his hair just sticks to him. He's due for a cut any time now...
Debbie - As you know we are in the prickly heat club too - which is one reason I was so excited he wanted it all cut off!!! :) Now if we can just keep it short through the hot months...
It is great to hear of other mom's having sensory challenges too. My boys are 6 and 7 1/2. The youngest has the sensory issues. It was their barber (a female) who suggested that there may be a name for his strange reactions to many things--expecially haircuts. Our doctor kept minimizing my observations and didn't seem to be listening. It took a hairdresser to diagnose him for me. God bless her!
Traci - Oh yes, I understand! With my oldest it a lot of things- tags, clothes, noise, crowds, haircuts, food, smells, heat, the list goes on. Over the years we have worked together to find ways to help him manage it all, and when necessary we carefully select what we do/where we go as a family so we are all happy. It constantly evolves as he gets older too. He is such an intense and brilliant being. I think the world being so much *more* for him can be tough, but also makes him who he is, which is quite spectacular! :)
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