Thursday, March 17, 2011


It starts so innocently. A few flats, a calendar, a few shop lights. But sure enough, soon the need to have green growing things expands and you have ... more!

More...Sprouts. Wheatgrass. Pea Shoots. Microgreens. Seed trays full.

Spray bottles of water for misting, canning jars with a kelp water mixture.

It is all good and very reassuring. All that life, all those bits of green.

Yes, spring is coming!

What are you growing?



Stephanie said...

Only growing babies at the moment!!
er... ones already arrived, mind you... none in the cooker. :) Don't wanna imply anything.
But the chamomile is up, and the bee balm is a lovely purple, and the tulip leaves are several inches tall... the spring cleaning is almost done, so soon we can totally ignore and abandon the house and inside for months and months, and play in the garden and pool. :) Can't wait! (But really I'm just happy to even be here in early Spring!!!)

denise said...

tease. you had me stop at the 'growing babies' part and double check that it was you in the little approve this comment box...before reading the rest. ;P

oh, i can't wait for things outside to grow!! we need rain first to wash it clean. everything is covered in mud and gunk and sand and birdseed and a whole entire winter of wild rabbit deposits (can't even walk through our yard!!!), and it looks like a big brown mess. i need to attack with a rake to pull out all the stuff i left to overwinter for the birdies and then get some sunshine on it all!!! i'm pretending the outside garden doesn't exist for a few more weeks as I look at my neat little trays i here. ha.

my boys are excited about being out out out again too. april/may/june are good months here before we retreat again - can't wait for that outside every single moment time.

and to think - you have chamomile? bee balm? tulips? sounds lovely.

Ceska777 said...

I guess the succes of really having your own grown plants (out of seeds) is not a secret? How do you prepare?

Sally said...

Denise, seriously. you are five kinds of awesome. are the little sprouts of the bipedal variety rolling at maximum capacity now? I hope all is well!

Ceska777 said...

Our garden is very small: this spring we only have seeded radishes, onions and garlic. as i will prepare the soil there will be spinach, peas and later on zuchini, tomatoes and green pepper. We also have herbes but nor so many....
As you can guess by now english is not my native language but I lover to read about you, your boys and your garden. I also loved the way you painted your walls, I wish my husband would agree to more colour in our white home...

Anonymous said...

Getting so anxious to start our seeds too! Got the rest of what we are growing ordered a while ago from Jungs so I am hoping they come soon. And the landscaping changes are almost done so that the garden will be ready when the plants are ready to go in the ground! Can't wait.

Francesca said...

Not much at the moment. I don't have the space indoors for it, and the weather out there is so uncooperative.

Annie said...

Sweet. I'm so so looking forward to the season. I feel like I'm still understanding and getting used to growing and gardening here so right now it feels all a bit theoretical. I'm going to attempt to grow A LOT. Mostly herbs but some fruits and veg. I've started earlier than last year so hopefully I'll produce a bit more in this short season. Learning by living at it's best.