It may be just 20º outside, but the sun is out and we are feeling happy and energized. Here are some more things making us feel happy on this sunny morning, right now.
Golden honey in the sun (above).

Sunflower shoots.

Warm biscuits fresh out of the oven.

The sun shining on the ice coating everything, making it sparkle.

Trays of thick wheatgrass.
The sun perks us all up and the boys have been happy and energized - I'm feeling it too. The birds are chirping, I smell the soil as I water all the seedlings, the cat and rabbit are stretched out to get every inch of sun, and the house smells amazing from the biscuits. Ahhh.
I hope this sunshine stays awhile. And I think we have plans for a beach party in our living room this afternoon to soak up some of these delicious rays!
Love your photos!
We're not planning to do our own starts for our veggie garden, but it might be fun to do sunflower starts. I've got seeds... I'll have to see what Princess thinks. Thanks for the inspiration!
I do start our big mammoth sunflowers for the garden...but this tray is for eating! :) When they get about 3-4 or so inches tall, I snip them off at the base, rinse, and toss with sprouts as a salad. They pack SO MUCH FLAVOR. Delicious!
Ahh, the sun makes everything look so pretty. I really notice a difference in my mood when the sun comes out. That is a problem sometimes in rainy, gray Seattle because the sun hides quite often.
I have wanted to try microgreens for awhile now. I may have to put the sunflowers on the list! Happy spring!
Lovely photos! I wish I could say that I was happy to see 19F on our thermometer but I honestly can't! LOL! My recent Hawaii trip spoiled me. I am enjoying the sunshine today. Hmmm....I've always wanted to try growing microgreens but I've never taken the time to learn how to do it.
Seeing the sun out makes us feel soooo good doesn't it. Blue skies today. Out on my bike. Doors and windows wide open. Lovely. And those biscuits look delicious. Hope you had a lovely beach party!
I thought I might find a picture of a margarita.....the sunflowers look lovely, and sunshine, I like that!
Not a bad idea, Andrea. After your beachy sunshine shorts and t-shirts and frosty margarita photos I'm craving a bit'o'that. ;)
happy days are here!
Great photos! What a combo, huh? Here in Sheboygan county, we've had the same roller coaster of weather, but yet in my basement I can water my little seedlings and forget about the non-gardening weather outside. Your sunflower sprouts are a new one to me but since I have so many seeds leftover from last year's heads, I might try it. Very clever!
I too feel energized when the sun is shining, though I feel even more energized when it's 20*C* outside :)
Francesca - Ha! Yes C would indeed be the key. We can't wait for 20ºC days either. Two months more? This morning it is, I think, -5º*C* or so. BRRRRR.
Sprouts! We're all about the sprouts these days. I tell ya, I don't know how I would have gotten through winter without sprouting some nommy little microgreens to nosh on eveyr day!
We have similar temperatures here, but the sun is oh so wonderful and energizing! We may have to try the sunflower sprouts...
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