March has been a rough month for my guys - sleet, snow, rain, unusually cold temperatures, clouds. And while the past few days have been sunny (yay) it has still been really COLD. Much colder than it should be this time of year.

So while they have been out to ride bikes in the alley whenever it is dry, and we have a big yoga ball and trampoline inside, my guys have been wanting MORE physical activity at home, and INSIDE where they can wait it out until spring finally comes (their words).

So when spring fever hits and it is too cold what do you do? We pulled a futon out into the living room and the boys have been doing rolls, flips, handsprings and karate rolls all week.

They come back to it throughout the day. Their skills have improved daily, and at night they have both happily talked about how sore their tummy muscles are. And yes, some little boy flexing has been involved. ;) (Brothers)

Lots of fun, and very happy energetic boys! I think some almost seasonal temps are coming, but I have a feeling this futon will be out juuuuuuuust a bit longer.
Any kid spring fever going on in your house?
Ummm . . . not just the kid!
Oy. Our trampoline is out of commission (it's done, and needs to be replaced)... so yeah, lots of energy. :)
It's cold and cloudy here!!
Two nice days after today, though, maybe even 60! Maybe even flashes of sun!! One can hope.
Cold here too. Last year at this time I'd already sowed peas, radishes and arugala. This year...the earth is still frozen. :(
I wish we had the space for something like this. There has been lots of jumping going on though - on the couch...on the bed. I can hardly wait until it warms up enough to spend hours on end outside. Come On.....spring. :)
Jen - Ha! Yep, here too. ;)
Stephanie - We are going to get maybe 50's here in a few days, before rains return. Can't WAIT!!!!
Debbie - Yeah, our house is pretty small too. I had to re-arrange the living room for it to fit (with the coffee table moved just over against a wall), and it is tight, but for a week or so I can handle it.
Our soil is frozen still too. I usually have been able to clear/rake/turn and plant early spring stuff by now. I haven't even been able to rake out the beds. Solid as a rock!
I'm REALLY hoping for some warmer weather! I guess we got spoiled being in Hawaii...it's hard coming back home to the colder weather. At least it's nice out today! And someone else's comment reminded me that we have to put up trampoline again. Here's hoping the weather continues on the warming trend!
What a great way to get past the winter doldrums. I am SO ready for warmer temps!
Yup, freezing and snowing here! This post looks like what the girls do to our bed. So much fun!
This post is all kinds of awesome!!!
What a beautiful blog you have! Love these photos of your boy tumbling.
Our spring is cooler than it should too on most days, but at least there's no snow and blossoms are everywhere!
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