Later than any year I can remember, but it is happening!
Buds, sprouts, shoots, things peeking through the soil.

And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
http://dudu-micsicapos.blogspot.com/2011/04/la-tara.html Spring in Germany; pictures were taken yesterday, april 7.
How did you take those lovely photos? I love them! Hmmm....I haven't checked my lovage to see if it was coming up. It's so exciting when the plants start peeking up out of the ground!
we seem to be pretty late this year as well. That makes the buds even more special. What a beautiful poem.
What a thrill to see all of this green progress peeking up from the ground!
Woohoo! Bring it on!
yumm! i'm so glad i'll have your garden photos to get me through our windy southern winter :)
it all looks so promising!
i like your first peek!
i don't know what's going with my blog text :( i don't think it's any different font than usual, but i will look!
Hooray!! Yea for you!
Sally - It is all back to 'normal' this morning. Must have been a font issue on my browser. So odd. Going to catch up on all the spinning now! :)
Astrid - I have a lovely new zoom lens I got for Solstice which I was too lazy to walk back into the house to get/change, so I was on my knees in the dirt instead. Ha!!! ;P
There I was thinking lovage was another way of saying, "Lovely," or "Yum," but now I get it! :)
Beautiful pictures, Denise. And gorgeous words, too.
hello mom-in-madison & sons,
i have followed your blog for many a year and am wondering if you could lead me in a good direction for science? my children love to do experiments, but we have little access to library books in this area. i am interested in purchasing one, but there are so many out there! currently we are just trying to explore the wonders of mother nature. my girls are 8 & 6 also. any information you can provide would be most helpful. thank you much, jo
Beautiful poem! And beautiful shots. Spring is in the air...and I am on the edge of my seat. So, so, so ready for warmth. 60ยบ would be fabulous!! Pretty please?
Lovage! Thank you for reminding me that I need to get my gardener (aka my husband) to plant some seeds again this year. The ones we planted last year didn't take and I'd love some this year. :0)
Does the lovage get tall? Damek wanted to plant some from seed, so we have little seedlings, but aren't sure where to put them.
I spotted our rhubarb the other day (our neighbors gave us some last spring) thought I had killed it last year, but alas it is back!
Julie - my first year the lovage was more like a parsley plant size-wise. Since then, each spring it has thicker shoots and did grew to about 5 feet tall last year (2nd year) so this year I'm guessing it will be six feet or so, which is about the max size. I really like it because I can dry it and use instead of celery in stews/soups and it is so much easier to grow!!!
did grew. geez. did grow.
Great photos! I'm psyched for spring!!
It's happening!
looks like a perfect weekend!
What sweet babies.
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