You might have noticed we like games. Card games, board games, dice games, math games, strategy games, role playing games. We spend time every week at the table as a family with something happening. One of the games A got for his birthday last month is a game called Camp.

It is nice because it has 4 levels of questions/play, so each person can play at their level, from young child (says ages 4 & up) to adult. It is a board game where you move along the squares, but it also has multiple choice questions to answer - all related to nature, environmental issues, etc. A question at level one might be "What is a male deer called?" and the level four "Which of these trees is a gymnosperm?
It even has a little secret decoder to confirm the correct answer (which 6 year olds MUST be in control of at all times). It also has fun fact cards to read aloud when you land on certain spots - like "Nocturnal insects are attracted to light, a response called phototaxis" and "Emus can't walk backwards." (Yep, lots of giggling.)

The board game itself can go quickly, but we usually will play 4 or 5 games at a time. My guys want to keep playing over and over and over just to read the cards! And talk nature facts trash at each other. Of course.

It is nice to find a game that is nature based like this -- my guys have memorized a few of their other games in this vein like the naturalist bingo games and earthopoly which they really enjoyed for a long while. This gives another whole big stack of information and with all the levels I can't see them memorizing the entire set of cards for awhile - and when they do, there is even a booster pack you can get with a new set of questions!
Did you know a group of owls is called a parliament? Or that a chicken can't swallow while it's upside down? Lots of fun!
Cool! Something new to check out! :)
Ooh, this looks like a game that would be right up our ally- Well, perhaps in a couple years. Thanks for sharing!
Ohh we love games! We are going to have to get this. Looks like a lot of fun!
ooooh! that looks really cool! i'll have to look around for it down here.
Very cool, I think my kids would like this, too. Thanks for explaining it so well.
What a cool game. I was just cleaning our our board game cabinet and was pondering about possible replacements!
Ok, coolest game ever. Going into my cart now!! Thanks Denise!!
We LOVE games too and this one looks awesome. Isaac just learnt today about the difference between, "fawn" and "doe" and "stag." Yes, I'd say he'd love this game. Thanks. xo
We love games, too! Gotta check this one out. :)
oooh, love new board games!! a good follow-up to our camping trip!
I love the look of this game! How lovely to find one about nature and the environment—sounds perfect for us.
We love board games so much—our shelves fill and fill with them, and we never tire of playing them (and getting more!). Now I just have to find it here in Oz. That's the hard part, and probably the only thing keeping us from spending all our money on games! :)
earthoploy sounds great as well as this one. Have you heard of Wildcraft? It is awesome! a game of herbal lore and helping to heal others with herbal medicines.
That sounds like an amazing game for kids and adults. I think we would all love to play that one!
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