I think (?) we are in the final stretch of cold, snowy, wet weekends. It is so nice to snuggle up at home together, knowing soon we will be in the intense minute by minute of summer. I even enjoy the snowflakes. The long slow goodbye.

The boys seem to realize this inside-ness is not going to last forever, and busily fill the time with games, projects, crafts, drawing, and everything they can think of. They help in the kitchen, the knead and roll dough, they chop and stir.

They scour books for science projects we can work on together, or pull out costumes and props for shows or story lines. Piles of books on side tables. Displays of the latest LEGO creations. Fleeces and hats and boots still by the front door for bike rides in the alley.

And a few mutant scar-faced bunnies.

Just a little more home weekending. Which is a good thing.

But I'm almost ready.
There's so much good in this post I can hardly stand it. What a life!
I have similar thoughts about this strange spring weather. I love the spring snow -- so temporary and beautiful. It no longer wreaks of winter, since the air doesn't have that dry, harsh bite and the smell in the air is undeniably spring.
What lovely projects you all have going on! Lately we have a lot of Wii and DS going on. I think I need to take the initiative and just start working on projects. Although, today she told me not to work on things she wants to work on...she just doesn't want to work on them "right now". *sigh*
B - The wii goes in waves here. A doesn't like video games, but G plays will play a lot and then completely stop for a while, no interest whatsoever. It always balances out! :)
Lo - A few more days of snow is coming - and you are right - it does just smell different. Wet and spring.
Flo - xo. :)
I echo Flo -- good good good!!
Hi Denise - love your blog about life on the other side of the world!! Was that a naan bread or similar that the boys rolled out?? If so, do you have a recipe as it looks healthy!! Penny,Brisbane
Who doesn't love a few mutant bunnies to welcome in Spring?
You are staying busy with so many wonderful things.... your patience will be rewarded with some bountiful sunshine and warm temps. soon!
i <3 that bunny!!!!
Isn't the bunny awesome? There are many mutant foam bunny pins in my house, and the boys had me wearing about 5 of them last night. ;)
Penny - The rolling was for a quiche crust, but the photo below that is indeed home made naan. The recipe I used is this one:
I substituted half of the flour with whole wheat flour, and used honey instead of sugar and then grilled them on my stovetop skillet. They were perfect! :)
You always amaze me with your activities! You are a lovely inspiration to a homeschooling mom on the border of Minnesota and Wisconsin! Thank you for sharing so much of your life...it is beautiful!
Ooooo! Naan sounds absolutely lovely!
I adore those mutant bunnies!
Where did Spring go?
Glad you're enjoying the indoor-ness, but I hope your weekending will allow more outdoorness very soon.
Such a perfect weekend. Ours was much the same; baking, crafting, reading, a visit to the vet, lots of games. Sometimes a cold and wet weekend is just what we need. But....I'm just about ready too. xo
Astrid - all this snowing is crazy, isn't it? It hasn't stopped snowing yet today, and supposed to be more through tomorrow. Spring? ?!?!?!?!?
Denise, I wonder about the strange spring weather -- all to the extremes. I love to see what you are doing! Your pictures are beautiful. :)
So much goodliness! I like the tiny wooden pieces!
(Alright... the bunny's great, too.)
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