We went from 7 days of one sick boy...and on the 8th day when he felt a little better, his little brother went down. So, we know we will be doing this another week or so. Seems what is to expect |this| |time| of |year|.

We are looking forward to some big snow this week (finally! we haven't had much). Perfect for staying in, taking care of a little asthma boy, and finishing up some great creative and kitchen projects we've been working on.

The boys have been working on some music, air dry clay crafting, painting, baking, (playing with prisms) and all kinds of other goodness.

Here is to another creative warm week at home, watching the snow fly.
It seems to be the popular opinion in these parts (as maybe it is in yours???) that if it's gonna be COLD(and in your case, damned cold), then it at least outta snowy - clean and white and deep! :)
We've yet to see superdeep this year. Pretty soon (I figure I have two more weeks left) I'll be moving on...
Definitely- I think that is exactly it. It gets so cold. And the snow makes everything bright and white and pretty and the sunshine seems that much brighter right when you really need it! :) Not to mention it just feels good being home during a big snowstorm.
I completely forgot to say that these shots are Beauty and Magic... so totally awesome.
Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Love the lightshow photos :-)
These pictures are beautiful! I'm sorry to hear that your boys are under the weather. I've read previously that your one little guy doesn't handle sick very well. I hope everyone is feeling better soon!
So sorry to hear the illness is going to linger longer, feel better everyone! It looks like you are making the best of it, lovely pictures. And enjoy your snow!!
Totally awesome photographs!!!
such gorgeous light and color in the prism pics denise. they are really lovely.
hugs to the boys and wishes that they fell better soon. i guess we're in for "the big one" - huge snowstorm on Thursday!
Love these pictures!
The colds sound similar, both boys got 2 colds back to back a week apart, so yea for the last month we've been mostly homebound.
Sending healing wishes to you and yours too:)
Those pictures are great! What fun. Good luck with digging out the next few days. I have to do the grocery store this afternoon with both girls and I am not excited. Wish we could just snuggle up and stay in but the complete lack of food in the house is demanding we go out.
So glad I stumbled upon your blog. You are very inspiring! Love the photos.
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