As soon as the holidays end many people start talking about the winter doldrums. I say doldrums schmoldrums. I love winter. There are so many things to appreciate, enjoy and which inspire this time of year. Sure, some can be enjoyed year round, but there is something special, simple, and particularly fulfilling about them when it is bitterly cold outside. Here are a few things that caught my eye today that made me think...I love January.

trays of sprouts, piles of books, crunchy snow underfoot,

sunshine streaming in the windows, the smell of the cold clean air as it blasts into the house when the door opens,

wheatgrass, hot tea, birds, how the previously chilly house feels steamy when we come in from outside,

seed catalogs, garden planning,

knitting and crocheting, music,

baking and cooking from our winter stores...home.

As the cold settles in and the holidays are over and days become more peaceful, these things make the winter a comfortable warm place to be.
In fact, my list goes on and on (and on). ;) I think I'll be doing more of this throughout the 'winter doldrums'.
"Hear! hear!" screamed the jay from a neighboring tree, where I had heard a tittering for some time, "winter has a concentrated and nutty kernel, if you know where to look for it."
~Henry David Thoreau
What inspires you in January?
Thanks. I like this post. I was litterally thinking how seasonal depression has hit for sure, right when I came across this post. It helps to think of things that way and was a good reminder to stay positive. :)
I can't speak to much about Winter where we live, it really is only "Winter" Feb-Aprilish here but I love January.
I am always inspired to get lots of projects completed and I love being outdoors when it's cold. We go on lots more walks/hikes and bike rides when it's chilly.
That shot of the bird is gorgeous, so dreamy!
I love the winter as well, all the time to work on projects, fires in the wood stove, but my favorite part is waking up on a clear snowy morning. The freshness and crispness of the cold air and the brilliance of the snow... I practically skip outside to take care of my chores those mornings!
I love the winter as well, all the time to work on projects, fires in the wood stove, but my favorite part is waking up on a clear snowy morning. The freshness and crispness of the cold air and the brilliance of the snow... I practically skip outside to take care of my chores those mornings!
I am with you one hundred percent. I'm lucky enough to not suffer from seasonal depression, but I have friends who do. I love January. The winter holidays are so much fun, but they are draining, too, and January always feels recuperative and easy-going. Indoor projects are a must but so are bundled up walks. I love to take my camera out this time of year, too, to remind me how beautiful it all is when it's so bare. Specks of color pop that much more and the refreshing warmth of home hits so sweetly within when passing from the chilly outside through the doorway to comfort and home.
Inspired, as usual.
Winter was always my favourite season. January is also my favorite month: I´m having my birthday celebrating, like... tomorrow.
beautiful post & photos! what inspires me in january??? being outside in the warm southern hemisphere sunshine,cicadas, cold ginger beer!!, watching the garden grow, watching the boys grow:), bbq's, standing barefoot in cool green grass, flowers, day trips to the beach...the list goes on and on :)
happy wintering!!
Hurray! Thank you for a cheery post - this was wonderful. It is awfully dark today... very gloomy... but your post has made me feel positive and happy.
I love winter because it makes us appreciate HOPE. We hope tomorrow will be a crips sunny day, hope spring is around the corner, hope we dont get the lurgy, hope it doesnt snow to much... so on. Hope is a good thing.. lou x
I was just checking out the daily sunrise and sunset schedule, as I love how the days slowly lengthen and bring us toward spring. I love being out in the snow, and in by a warm fire!
I love the post holiday slide into winter as well ~ happier with the flush of red cheeks from the cold instead of the heat of summer.
I like photographing winter more than any other season too.
Happy January to you!
I'm one of those people, and have a hard time finding inspiration in the gray, cold, dark and colorless days:(
Mmm, I love every bit of this. The most inspiring parts of January begin outside (pristine snow, space-like frigid temps, darkness) and then have an echo inside (freshness, beginnings, clarity). This all leads to a month of planning the new year (household and art projects, gardening, healthy and comforting food, etc).
January may, in fact, be my very favorite month.
I love this post, Denise, and I could get lost in the photos.
Gorgeous photos!! I think there is always a silver lining to everything too :)!!
These photos are great! I love the green sprouts!
Happy New Year to you Denise!
Yes,Denise, I am totally with you. I love winter, especially after the holidays are over.
I love your list of what inspires you during the winter. That wood stove of yours looks so cozy. I always get inspired in January to read more.
this post inspired me, even if i am in a somewhat different setting. happy new year to you, denise :)
It's all been said, and I didn't always feel this way, but I love winter, the post holidays, too. (For those having a hard time, up that vitamin D!). I love the light, the garden planning, the making home. Gorgeous photos once again, Denise! Happy January!
Amy - exactly.
I know how hard S.A.D. can be - I lived through many Chicago winters where the nightly news announced how many days it had been since there was sunshine. But we take advantage of the sun when it comes out, get sunshine on the skin whenever it does, up the vitamin D for all of us (we get sick less too), and ENJOY!!!!! :)
Thanks for all the great comments! So much January love.
Such a refreshing post ~ loved it!
Thank you so much for your whole blog. I've been sprouting because I am a plant person at heart, and stumbled on your sprouted wheat bread recipe. I am so excited to make it. I also really enjoyed this post because it is nice to have time to knit, and a really great excuse to fire up the glass kiln (which incidentally heats the house). Thank you, I will try to appreciate the winter more! It is nice to know there are other people out there who think canning and good food are important parts of raising kids!
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