This week we've had some recurring car problems, and so have been home a few days while our car is in the shop (again). But being home doesn't mean we are not busy!

A & G have been on the go go go. Experiments, games, dancing, film making, photography, reading, drawing, music, writing, bird watching - always something! For us, home time is not down time, not boring. It is when we are the most connected, plugged in, interested, focused, creative, and energized.

Inside, outside. Creative, practical. New, familiar. It is all here at home for us.

So while the world outside is cold, gray, and dark, we are home, in motion.

Days at home flow into a natural rhythm that works for us. Focused quiet projects move to exercise and action, experiments lead to new interests and research for answers, inside moves outside for some fresh air and back in to warm up again.

Intense focus to action and back again, never ending, always something happening, learning, exploring, connecting.

So even though we have been home bound, the boys are happy (as am I). Actually, we all prefer having uninterrupted time at home - more time for our projects! Winter is for home.

I love that home is a wonderful thing. That home is where we all connect and feel creative. That home is a place of love and energy and joy for my boys. That home is good. That home is our favorite place to be.

Our car is now fixed, and so we will wander back out, but will always still look forward to coming home. It is, after all, where the heart is.

(Well, that and popsicles.)
I love home time! Being homeschooler we're almost never home. I've come to truly appreciate the times that we are. :)
They look like they get along so well :)
We spend loooots of time at home. Obviously. :)
And then we spend loooots of time on Go for a while.
Right now it feels like we've been home for a month. I love that. :)
You all have some awesome projects going on at home!
I'm looking forward to a quiet day at home and not getting out of my pajamas...LOL~ we've been out and about every day this week so far.
Wow, you guys did stay busy! I know my kids enjoy days when we can stay at home and not have to get out to run errands or anything.
Wow! I wish you could bottle that excitement and vivacity your boys have! I would pay a pretty penny on the days when I need a boost. Love seeing the creative projects they are so engaged in, a great testimonial for unschooling if there ever was one.
My 11 year old is also into "film making" at the moment: his actress is his little sister, but she's a temperamental actress, and filming is going a little slow:)
Love! I was just starting a post about being in my wintertime "happy hermit" mode. We love our days at home too.
I couldn't have said this better myself, Denise. We are Huge homebodies and love being at home. While we do venture out...it has to hold promise for something pretty spectacular. We just love home that much. :)
I feel so out of sync when we are away from home too much. The snow here has kept us home, and it has been so rejuvenating!
excellent! a creative and curious family is never bored at home.
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