I didn't mean to be gone for this long. We went from G having a sore throat to a roller coaster of scary sick little boy which peaked with the frantic phone calls and urgent care and chest x-rays and febrile seizure...pneumonia. My sweet boy has been very sick. After a week of medicine, nebulizer and lots of love and rest, he is feeling much much better.

So with all of this we have been home for a while now - G is wrapping up medication that requires he avoid any virus exposure/people. So we will stay home through the weekend with lots of fresh smoothies, games, hugs, and holiday kids movies. Just what we need.

Today is the winter solstice. I am thankful we are all happy and well. I am thankful for a dusting of beautiful white snow on this dark day. And I am thankful that the sun will be staying a bit longer every day. Love and light and peace to you all on this solstice.
You all, and G especially, have ever been in our thoughts. I'm glad that he is feeling better and that wellness is returning. Love and light to you all and Happy Solstice!
So glad that G is on the mend, but so very sorry he was suffering. Enjoy the solstice, your weekend, any and all holidays you celebrate. By the way, I LOVE your snowflake window. It's beautiful!!
Happy Solstice to you all! I'm sorry that your little guy has been so sick, but glad that he is on the mend. Wishing you all good health in the New Year!
I wish you all the best for G and all your family !
Happy solstice !
I'm so glad he is feeling better. Zoe reacted similarly to colds at his age but thankfully has outgrown it. Hopefully G will too.
Merry Christmas and many deep breaths to you all.
oh my gosh! i am so happy for the healing already underway, what a scary thing. big hug to you, mama.
Wishing all of you a calm and happy holiday. We'll send so candle energy as we light our candles tonight.
Much love to you all (especially G), I am so glad he is on the mend--and your mama's heart is less heavy.
Happy Solstice! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Wishing a fast recovery and lots of love.
oh, my heart is with you. i hope the returning sun brings powerful medicine for you all...happy solstice and celebratory snuggling!
So glad to hear he is on the mend, poor guy (and Mama!). I hope you all had a beautiful and relaxing Solstice!
Oh no! I was so hoping mr. G would fair well through the holidays with no sickies!
Glad he is on the mend and you are turning your attention to things way more fun like christmas flicks and cookies and snowfall....
Blessings to you and yours.
Oh, Denise! I haven't been on my own blog in so long and have missed your goings on in the process! While I don't wish for this on your little guy, I am so glad to hear that he is on the mend! This Christmas will be low-key, but a grand opportunity to relax and just be!
Please be well... all of you!
Happy holidays, Denise!
I'm terribly sorry to read about your boy - I hope the holidays were everything you hoped for, and that health is back in your home.
Hope you kiddos had a WONDERFUL christmas!!!!
wishing you all continued healing and light into the new year!
Denise, I am so sorry to hear G has been so unwell. That must have been very hard for you all! I hope he is MUCH, MUCH better now. And I hope your holiday/solstice weekend was filled with healing and joy and big grins and smoothies (YUM) and love so big it came out of your windows, poured into the garden, and visited your neighbours. I'm imagining the love, glowing, all around your home.
Thinking of you! And sending fine, warm Australian summer wishes your way :)
Oh, sorry to hear that G was not well... My little guy also had pneummonia back in November -- not fun at all.... Glad to hear that he's on the mend, and hope that your family is all rested and all fully recovered.
Oh, Denise, I am so sorry to hear about your G's pneumonia! I'm checking in after a long break, and hoping you're all faring better now. Happy New Year to you an your family.
I've been worrying about you and G since you haven't posted for so long. I'm hoping that everything is OK and that the hiatus from blogging is not due to more illness!
Don't post this after moderation. I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and hope you are all okay. ~Sharon
Sweet boy, hope is is better now!
hey where are you? Blog world misses you!
I wish him the best to get well as soon as possible!!!!
Hope everything is ok!
hi d! hope all is well! sending you a big hugs fro everybody!
Hi Denise - thinking of you!
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