These December days. They seem to inch along and yet time flies. It does not seem like December, so we are behind on holiday making/preparations. But that is OK. It looks and feel like fall. Or is it spring? Either way, we keep busy. Card games, board games, science experiments, robot building, reading, crafting (or should I just admit that I have done more craft supply organizing than actual crafting recently? ahem.), music making, microgreens growing, and ... more! What are you working on?
I'm behind, too! :) That's mostly what is going on around here.
Ah, well. C'est la vie!
I'm really enjoying seeing what keeps you all busy! We are new to the area and new to real winter. Just moved to Milwaukee in October. My children are smaller (1 and 3) but we are finding it challenging to stay busy during these cold days!
It's raining this morning so I'm not full of holiday inpsiration to be honest. Ah well - my boy wants to partner up for some gingerbread cookie making so we'll see if that helps :)
Your boys looks so cute with their pals lined up on the trampoline... sweet.
Sylvia wants to "ornament make" most days, and we're gearing up to go caroling at a couple of retirement centers with a homeschool group in a few days, but other than that I'm pretty much in denial about December. I'm ready for sun and snow! (And I hope your boy is feeling better,... wishing you all wellness)
Love the picture of the brothers all snuggly and giggly.
we have been un-christmasing i think, completely unintentionally, but my best laid plans are slowly falling one by one to the wayside. and in a happy, still satisfied and content kind of way :)
we re-do it each year, this december dance, re-creating and trying on new things, it is what keeps us growing and stretching i think.
i love the audience around the rebounder too :)
We've been working on our Magic Schoolbus Germs kit (some yeast experiements), wrapping presents, building with Legos and going caroling at a nursing home. Looking forward to 11 days in a row of my husband being with us :)
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