Thanks to you all for all the good healing vibes and well wishes. I did indeed get into see my acupuncture/massage/acupressure goddess on Monday and it helped a lot. I am not really up about about too much yet (yeah, still need my hubby to get my pants on...lovely, eh? ;)) but the pain is receding a bit and I can (drum roll) sit down! Woo hoo. I've also had two awesome little super heroes around to help me out.

While it is comforting to know that others can sympathize with how debilitating back pain can be, I also feel bad that so many of you have back problems too! Yowza! I hope we all have a year of strong backs, healthy bodies, and digging happily in our gardens without any twitches or wrenches.
Amen to that! I'm glad you're feeling at least a bit better. It sucks to be in pain. :(
oh good! having super heros convienently (SP?) at hand is always grand. hope you continue to heal.
I'm glad you're starting to feel better. I'm sure having super-heroes around helped!
I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better, Denise! You've got some mighty cute superheros over there. :)
Oh, that first photo kills me! So earnest. :) Love it.
Glad to hear you're doing a little bit better. It is especially hard to have back problems when the garden is calling!
As always, I love those pictures!
I hope your feeling better soon..
Oh, I can't imagine what this has been like for you. Hope you are well soon.
That back pain won't dare come back with two super heroes on the scene!!
I just had to smile at the striped pj's....Owen came out of his room yesterday wearing a wide striped shirt and a contrasting diagonally striped tie!!
Made me a little dizzy...
Glad you are feeling better. Positive thoughts for more healing to come. :)
Both of these photos are so cute! How wonderful to have superheroes living right in your very own home. ;) Glad you're feeling better.
Super hero love! You can't beat that. I am sorry about your back and hope your healing continues minute by minute.
Glad to hear you are on the mend....your new banner is swell and I noticed your new profile pic-lovely!
Take Care, superheros are the best heros for the heart :)
Awesome Denise! Keep up the healing. Must be all that Super hero power flying around there:)
Glad to hear things are going better! It's so hard to be sick or in pain around your kids, but also so sweet to see how their nurturing skills suddenly pop right out! Be it in superhero form or otherwise!
Isn't it funny the things we take for granted.. like sitting down and being able to put our pants on by ourselves? :) Thankfully you have a sweet loving husband who is willing to help!
Oh, and I love the superhero costume! My youngest kept switching back and forth from Spiderman to the Hulk to various Star Wars characters today. I was having so much trouble keeping up with all his identities!
I'm so sorry about the pain you have been in recently. I'm glad you're on the mend! I do have a question for you, and just answer whenever you can or whenever you think of it. I am constantly amazed by the number of and originality of your activities with your sons. Do you plan these out far in advance? Where do you get your ideas? How much research do you put into each activity/interest area? Okay, so I have a million questions, but your days intrigue me...and what we have been doing bores me (in fact it bores my 11 year old son, too!)Thanks, Denise. Thank you for your willingness to share your life with us and for your brilliant ideas!
My daughter says 'I love those pyjamas! We're twins!'
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