Part of my wants to just write about yesterday - fun projects and getting outside with the boys to our local botanical garden on Earth Day. In the spring when it is warm, sunny and blue skies you just have to get outside! We love to wander and see who can identify the most plants and birds - always something new as the spring progresses! Watching the frantic wooing and nest building by hundreds of birds is also always a treat.

Of course part of me wants to write about my MRI today...quite the experience. I am claustrophobic, and spent the past several days thinking about it a LOT, ending up with shaky hands and sweaty palms each time. I got lots of good advice about finding one thing to think about - like a vacation or favorite place to focus on. Of course being how I am I discarded the trick the brain method and decided that I would take the direct approach. Instead of trying to overcome the LOUD hammering noises, I used them as my rhythm, and chanted silently to myself the whole time, imagining the magnetic field and hydrogen atoms aligning in my body as white light, going along with my chant. It worked, and at the end I exited that machine much lighter than when I went in. Of course from there I found out that I do have two herniated discs and degeneration in the vertebrate. Now, physical therapy here I come!

But enough about spines and freakishly small spaces. We are so lucky to live only a few miles from the botanical gardens and during this time of year when things are always blooming and changing, we like going a few times a week for some fresh air, sunshine, and exploration. We often have the most interesting conversations as we wander there.

I know many people love the daffodils and crocuses of spring. Me, I love the magnolia trees. I love seeing those huge fuzzy buds when there is still sometimes snow on the ground. By the time the giant, beautiful, fragrant blooms have erupted, I know spring is in full swing. The last time we went it was all fuzz, this time, the blooms are here. With all of this warmer weather will come lots of hikes, adventures, gardening, travel and exploring with my two little guys. Time to get my back solid and strong so I can keep up and enjoy our long busy summer!
We live near Olbrich, too, and every time I ride the bus past on the way home, I love seeing all the blue flowers by the entrance! I'm hoping to make a trip there early next week.
I wish you had received better news today but it could have been much worse.
I am a lover of magnolias as well. Did you see the picture I posted of my friend's tree. It is lovely.
My husband's grandmother who lives in Nashville has the most amazing magnolias of the southern variety. They are amazing.
I'm glad it's over!!
And I'm glad you have your answer in Rehab.
That is something definitive, and something you can do.
Piece of cake. ;)
Brilliant decision, to go into it (emotionally and integrally as well as physically) instead of trying to trick yourself. That never works for me, either.
So glad you're on the flipside, and are ready (or almost) to take it on!
Sending loves and blessings to you and your three boys.
Denise...wishing you luck on your back therapy, so that it gets strong and ready for all your adventures with A & G!
Beautiful photos...and wish we lived close to a botanical garden to escape to with my guys...and have fun & interesting conversations!
Glad you survived your MRI experience in such a positive way. I hope your back gets better quickly, now you know what's wrong.
You are so lucky living near botanical gardens. We shall just fill up on your photos :-)
Our Southern Magnolias are just starting to bloom. I was going to go out and take pictures of them in a few days, when more of the buds have opened.
When I was growing up, we called those trees with the pinkish flowers Tulip Trees.
I can't imagine staying perfectly still for an MRI. My son had one when he was three, but they knocked him out first.
I'm sorry to hear about your back! Having a bad back is just no fun. Hope PT works for you.
We love the Olbrich Gardens. Such a lovely location! Oh...as for flowers...I don't care what flower it is- I love anything that blooms in the spring. Even that dandelion that shouldn't be in my garden. :)
Oh Denise... sorry about the bad back news but glad there is a plan to fix you up!
I'm a magnolia girl too.... big ole floppy pink blossoms.... gotta love em'.
Good luck in PT :)
I'm happy for you that the MRI is over. I hope pt will help your back problems, and you can become pain-free.
A botanical garden is being built as I type only about 2 miles from my house. Yippee! I can't wait for that garden to be complete so we can stroll through it. The photos on my blog today are actually from a park straight across the street from the gardens. Mmmm...can't get enough of those spring blooms. Glad you are enjoying them too. :)
I loved seeing the photos from the botanical garden...what a beautiful place!
That must be good to have the MRI over with. At least now that you know what's going on with your back, steps can be taken to help it heal.
SO glad you know what the problem is. Have you heard of the Egoscue method? (http://www.egoscue.com/) It's not a cure-all but it certainly helps - usually ALOT. Acupuncture usually helps degenration as well.
I'm so outta my alternative care loop since I haven't been working. There are so many other alternative ways to help degeneration and herniations but I'm blank. :(
So glad spring is creeping in for you guys. Nothing like beautiful weather!
Glad you made it through the MRI okay and I hope the physical therapy works!
Magnolia's are one of my favorites, too! So lush. I am sending you healing thoughts!
Tara - Thanks! For the past 15 years or so, I have been doing massage, acupuncture, acupressure, cupping and chiropractic for my back issues. To have it happen twice in a year, well, this time even my acupuncturist recommended I go see a 'western doctor' to look in the back and see what all is in there, so we can go forward from here. She is the one who recommended that I start physical therapy now too with exercise and stretches, which the spine Dr. also recommended, so I can use the muscles to hold me up...not as much my spine! We'll see how it goes. I have been doing a lot of bone broths, fish oils, and mineral supplements all winter too...get some support in the joints and all that. We'll see how it all works! Thanks for the link! :D
Thank you everyone! I feel relieved to know the scoop and have a plan. :)
Your photo's and days look breathtaking..xxx
I love your blog, especially the book lists. You turned me on to a lot of great reads. My Amazon wish list is growing!
Glad you got an answer, hope the PT gets you to a better place~
I LOVE magnolia trees too....love the new header and love botanical gardens...sending some healing thoughts~
Since I can't physically visit the gardens form your post, I instead looked at them from above using Google Earth. Beautiful!
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