In Wisconsin, when the sun comes out, the rain stops, and the temperature actually climbs to almost 50º --- well, being outside is about the most exciting thing you can imagine after a long winter.

During the summer the boys prefer nature walks, ponds, rivers, and woods to structured playgrounds, but for the first month or two when it finally warms up a little, there is nothing better than a slide, a climbing wall, and a swingset! Wheee!
Nothing slow and easy for a while!
It's jump and run and release and whoop and holler and squeal and streaking like lightning. :)
We had some really sunny & warm weather a few days ago in Seattle and it brought the same reaction.
What fun!
FANTASTIC! Enjoy your spring filled fresh air...and the playground.
We are finally getting some fine weather too! I feel like opening the door and singing "Hallelujah!" My kids did not come in for more than 5 minutes yesterday and at one point I saw by 3 year old walk by naked. Well, I thought, what the heck! This nice weather has been a long time coming!
Sometimes the ole tire swing and slide are the perfect way to enjoy some sunshine.
Have fun!!
It looks like they're having a great time! Enjoy the nice weather. I hope your back is feeling better.
Yep! there's nothing like a slide..:)
That's awesome! Burning up that pent up winter energy:)
Yes-mud season is a good time for playgrounds!
I suddenly had a flash-back to when my oldest (she's now 19) was 2. In April of that year, I was in the last month of my pregnancy with my second child and was supposed to be on bed rest for high blood pressure, but the weather was beautiful and we lived in Sherman Terrace Apartment, next to Tenney Park in Madison. My little girl wanted to go out to play in the park all the time, and I kept getting in trouble with my doctor for taking her there.
Cute pictures! Enjoy that good weather you're having. :)
Slides and climbing walls can be loads of fun. Enjoy the nice weather.
Yay!! Outside!!!
They look beyond happy~
Hope the back is better :)
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