Oh, to be brothers. These guys are inseparable. To have someone to play with, go places with, do things with, talk to, snuggle, eat with, and who is perfectly willing to play with you - all the time.

I see how much they love each other and I feel my heart about to burst. Life is good.
Oh that's lovely Denise! My two are best buddies as well, makes my heart soar to see how much they love each other as well~
this is so beautiful. i know what you mean. my boys dislike separate date days so much that we had to stop doing it. it's all of us together or none.
yes, it does make life so sweet, doesn't it.
What a wonderful set of photographs. It's obvious they're true friends :-)
(And friends argue too, sometimes)
It is amazing isn't it :)
I feel the same about my boys...
These will be great pictures for them to look back on and cherish.
Awww...that's incredibly sweet! It also warms my heart when my kids are getting along nicely.
That is awesome! They are lucky to have each other, and you're so blessed.
What pals! They look like they are going to have a rollicking good time in life!
My husband and I are constantly looking at our daughters and thinking, "What if we had just had one????" We cannot even fathom it now. They are so connected with each other and it's such a joy to see the world they create with each other. I hope they are always as close as they are now.
The photos of your beautiful children always make me stop and look! What a wonderful post. Keep it forever and ever...they will look back and treasure the gift they have in such a great relationship and a great mom!
You're right, life is so good. These pictures are sweet, and you captured the love they have for each other so well. A little indoor camping sounds like fun right now.
So sweet! We were just visiting family and it was so neat to see my children like this, as friends. My son trusts and stays near my daughter. I love seeing this!
oh those are beautiful photos...and brothers and best friends well it certainly does make your heart swell...SWEET...SWEET...SWEET!
Denise, this is so incredibly sweet and heartwarming! Your boys are so lucky to have each other and you for a mom :).
I have 3 boys and I hope that they too will become best friends. You've made my day with this beautiful insight into the future...
I feel the same way when I see my two playing so well together. It's those moments that remind me what life is all about... love. Plain and simple. Thanks for sharing those moments!
That is so wonderful. i often wish I had another little one!
What a sweet post.
That is so sweet!
We had a campsite set up in the dinning room today, (a Lewis and Clark expedition, I believe) much to the cats enjoyment. They love sleeping in the tent.
I feel bad for Noah sometimes, being 8 and 13 years younger than his siblings. It feels like he's an only child much of the time.
Your boys are very blessed to have each other!
This is a lovely post. and the pictures are gorgeous.
Brotherly love... such a ownderful thing.
So happy to see this. My boys are 3 years and 15 months. They still have yet to feel that bond. The youngest adores the oldest. Sigh... one day I am sure the oldest will love the youngest the same way. Nice to see proof that it does happen!
Very cute and lots of love..xx
What a lovely post! My own 5 & 3 year old boys are very much the same, inseparable, always up to something. It's a beautiful thing to watch unfold.
Sweet! I was an only child, so watching the sibling dynamic in my kids is interesting, to say the least. I'm learning to look the other way during some of their squabbles, finally.
so adorable.
reminds me my brother and me when we were a bit younger (:
have a magical day,
you really captured their adoration for each other in these shots. So sweet.
brothers are the best. :^) i love witnessing my boys’ relationship. it is amazing.
What a wonderful relationship they have...so great to see.
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