I think performing must run in the family. When I was in Kindergarten I was (repeatedly) in the Principal's office due to my penchant for getting a bathroom pass, locking myself into a stall, and singing Aretha Franklin songs at the top of my lungs, echoing through the entire building (lovely acoustics). From there on out I was always performing something... So I'm not surprised to see the love of performance in both of the boys. Daily they are putting on shows for anyone who will listen. They sing, dance, tell stories, put on puppet shows. Heck, they pop out their yoga poses for perfect strangers walking down the sidewalk.

We picked up a wood puppet theatre over the weekend for them and assembled it today. They were so excited - much better, it seems, than the make-shift stage... So today was a day of shows. Many shows. Lots of shows. We had boys singing and telling stories, heads shoved through the hole. We had puppet theatre - stick puppets, soft animal finger puppets, dinosaur hand puppets, and any and every figure they could think of. It was awesome.

I have a feeling there will be many more shows to come. I don't mind being the audience. I get to clap and cheer, and watch their amazing creativity just expand exponentially. And sometimes they let me sing along.

What fun. Lou still uses our puppet theater occasionally. I should pull it back out.
Wonderful fun! Nothing like a good puppet show!:)
Hee hee. A yoga refresher is always good! We also just acquired a puppet theater and I'm excited to give it a new paint job and replace the fabric in it. It's a bit dated but in great shape. Can't wait to get it in the house! I think you've just sparked some inspiration - thanks!
How fun! I love the story of you singing Aretha Franklin songs in the bathroom stalls at school. ;)
When you mentioned the yoga poses, it reminded me to ask you...what do you use to teach your boys yoga? Do you just show them some poses or do you have a DVD? I want to get my kids doing more yoga.
Oh, I do wish that I'd had a puppet theatre for X when she was little. I always wanted to make one, but never accomplished it. Anyhow, I bet the boys will have tons of fun with it.
Wonderful idea! You'll get years of fun from this!
I've seen this puppet stand for sale online. Did you buy it locally? I haven't seen it anywhere in Madison where I've looked.
And I must ask you where you bought your beautiful armoire that is in the background. It's lovely!
Aretha Franklin, hmmm...to bad it was off to the principal office for you...they should have provided an outlet!
As for your boys'...I miss when our guys use to put on plays for us...they still do it when the moment strikes but not as often as when they were littler. CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!
How fun! When my girls were little we had a homemade cardboard puppet theatre, made of a washing machine box! They painted it up themselves and it saw many performances of various hand puppets. Lovely memories, thanks.
I keep waiting for Lo to get into puppets! not a whole lot of interest yet. but she and Dea do like to perform!
hey, I think we have the same buddha statue!!!
My kids had a stage and theater when they were younger - they literally played with it 24/7. Every night included a show of some sort. Fun times.
In the principal's office, eh? Well, I could have joined you but it was because I used to get a bathroom pass in order to get my morning and afternoon reading in. Those Dick and Jane books were simply not as interesting as Lad: A Dog and other such books.
rock on, aretha!
I love the story of your forbidden stall singing! Thanks for the laugh. Is the painting on the wall behind the theater one of yours???
hooray for puppet shows. i love them so.but you know my favorite part of this post is learning about your deviant singing behavior in the bathroom stall.
you rebel!
Hi Denise!
Anet passed her blogging award on to me today and I in turn have tagged you (see my side bar)....but don't feel obligated if you don't want to play!
Oh, I love puppet shows! We have one that hangs in a doorway, but I like yours better.
That looks like so much fun.
Your living room looks so cozy and calm...love it. :)
every house should have a puppet house theatre
The puppet theatre is a really neat find, and they are already having fun.
I was thinking of hanging a curtain in the doorway for my daughter to use as a stage.
The puppet theatre is a really neat find, and they are already having fun.
I was thinking of hanging a curtain in the doorway for my daughter to use as a stage.
so so cool I have just been inspired
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