I knew something was up when G dragged a sleeping bag and pillow out onto a warm deck and fell asleep - at 11 in the morning. Sure enough, high fever, major fatigue, and body aches followed within a few hours. After 24 hours of sick little boy #1, A started crying that his body hurt and had a high fever. We changed our weekend plans and instead snuggled on the couch, read books, kept cool cloths close at hand, and watched a few movies. G felt a bit better by Saturday afternoon, but A was hit a little harder.
After several days spent at home, the boys wanted to get out. Today was a very windy day, which meant we could get outside without being eaten alive by black swarming clouds of blood thirsty mosquitoes! Yay! We went for a walk at a local park and I saw something I rarely (if ever) see::
A walked slowly up the rock steps.

Both boys sat on the bench.

The boys sat on the ground and just looked out at the view.

G threw a few rocks into the pond, but then stopped. A didn't throw any rocks.

The boys are both usually go go go high energy kids, so we could definitely tell that those are some worn out little guys. I sure hope they feel back to their spunky selves soon.
Now as for me, I think I escaped the mystery virus, but have been hit with intense allergies. So bad that I pinched a nerve in my neck, cannot move my head, and have a big muscle spasm in the back of my neck every time I swallow. I feel ridiculously out of whack! Rain is here tonight, though, and hopefully will wash away all that pollen.
Looking forward to a new week!
praying for you all
very nice park
healing thoughts
rest and relax...
Wow, you won't beleive the paralells, both my boys have had the stomach flu, high fevers, nausea, vomiting etc. We've been out of commission since last Thursday.
I somehow pulled a muscle (I think) in my arm although I don't remember doing it and my neck is out of whack from playing muscial beds for the past five nights.
Sounds like you are all on the mend. Gives me hope.
I hope you are all back to 100% soon. Feel better.
I hope you're feeling better by the time the boys feel 100%! I have allergies that somehow mess with the back of my neck too, Sometimes it throbbs with every heart beat! ugh, I just hate that!! I like to heat up a rice bag for my neck it feels wonderful.
Take care and maybe a few more days of quiet time and you'll all feel back to normal!
Hope you all feel much better soon! Your view is amazing by the way. I'd love to have such a peaceful place to sit quietly..
Poor guys! I hope they feel all better soon and that you stay well and heal from that neck pain. That park looks like the perfect peaceful place to heal in.
A chiropractor could help with the pinched nerve, and of course, massage therapy. Wish I lived close by to help!!
I'm so sorry that you and your boys have been feeling so badly. What a crummy weekend! The pictures at the park are pretty. Hope you feel better soon.
Yikes! For what it's worth, I thought your photo commentary was hilarious, and laughter cures.
Awww, poor little guys. I hope that everyone is feeling better soon, soon, soon.
Have you ever tried the honey remedy for allergies? (Taking a small amount of locally-produced honey each and every day to build an immunity to local pollens?) You've probably heard of it and tried it since you're into natural remedies, as I am. Just thought I'd put it out there anyhow. :)
I hope you all feel well soon.
So sorry to hear you are all out of whack. I hope you are all feeling better soon.
Nettle tea is also good for allergies...
Lets hope some of that rain comes this way, we have had such a dry spring and summer here, it's worrisome.
Pinched nerves can make life so miserable, I hope you wake up tomorrow feeling much better!
I hope you all feel better soon!
What park is that in the pictures? I am from Madison, but I don't recognize it. I'd like to go there and check it out.
I second the nettles for allergies! Nettle tea, nettle tincture, nettle capsules, however you can take it. I prefer nettle tincture, about 5-10 drops twice a day. I've had so many people swear by this remedy!
Sorry to hear about the boys. It seems the flu or something continues to go around, here in Minn. too. We are selling flu and cold remedies at the co-op where I work still, and I don't expect that at all in summer.
Your post was funny, though. I could just feel your amazement at their slow movements. Cute!
Oh, and the mosquitos are around but not too bad here in MN, so yes we can hang out outside. This too shall pass for you, eh?
Lisa in MN
I second the nettles for allergies! Nettle tea, nettle tincture, nettle capsules, however you can take it. I prefer nettle tincture, about 5-10 drops twice a day. I've had so many people swear by this remedy!
Sorry to hear about the boys. It seems the flu or something continues to go around, here in Minn. too. We are selling flu and cold remedies at the co-op where I work still, and I don't expect that at all in summer.
Your post was funny, though. I could just feel your amazement at their slow movements. Cute!
Oh, and the mosquitos are around but not too bad here in MN, so yes we can hang out outside. This too shall pass for you, eh?
Lisa in MN
Wow! That must have been some virus!!
I hope everyone is back to 100% soon--including you!
The pictures are lovely--as usual.
Hope you all are back on track soon.
What a gorgeous spot you all have there.
I'm clocked upside the head with allergies this year too. Must be the chill and the mold.
Lots of warm thoughts sent your way.
i hope your boys are feeling better soon! :) your pictures are always SO lovely, denise!
hi denise, i'm also wondering what park is pictured??? it does look beautiful, and i'd love to take my boys!
Hi everyone! :) Thanks for all the well wishes. Seems my allergy surge was because my body was busy fighting off the virus - unsuccessfully - now I've got it and spent the day with a high fever. Sigh.
cori - I hope you are all feeling better. It is hard having 2 sick kids at the same time.
runninl8 - Oh, I'm definitely in need of that. Haven't found a place with a velcro wall to put the kids during an appointment yet (obviously joking!). ;)
Jodi - Thanks! Good idea. I do usually try that to keep my plant and pollen allergies manageable through the year eating local honey and local pasture grazed raw milk. Usually works but I have only been doing honey in my iced tea recently...I should try upping that. :)
Lisa Anne and LisaZ - Oh, nettles. I should try that too. I think the allergies are bad because I got whatever virus the boys had and my body is just overdone, but it would be nice to BREATHE! :)
anonymous and emily - It is Burke Park, off of Reiner Road not too far from East Towne. It is nice and quiet! Email me if you want driving directions! :)
Feel better peeps!
We too all had this virus about a week and a half ago.
Wow, what a great place! So beautiful! Hope everyone gets feeling better soon!
Aha! I had the same thing (as the boys). It completely wiped me out. Completely. I got checked out for Lyme Disease, after spotting a culprit a few weeks ago, but that came back clear. There must have been something nasty going around!
And I third the Nettle tea suggestion. I was on the verge of suggesting it and saw the other comments!
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