The mosquitoes have been bad. Swarming clouds bad. The boys wanted to have a backyard camp out this weekend - and we were a bit intimidated by the idea. But we found that if you have a big enough fire with a lot of smoke, it is all good...as long as you keep the smoke blowing right in your face. :) Actually, it was nice. We sat around the fire, cooked camp food, told stories, and sang songs.

The boys spent time in the tent reading, playing and listening to music.

We all had fun, and it felt like the first time we all sat still to enjoy a summer evening. Those are the things I like most myself. I am not much of a running around with 50 places to be kind of person. I love nothing more than sitting outside near a fire, watching the stars come out, and listening to the sounds of the night.

The boys didn't sleep in the tent - our yard is small and so there is too much noise for them...dogs, cars and trucks, garage doors, open windows and televisions. But that is OK. It wasn't about sleeping in the tent. It was just a warm summer evening spent relaxing and enjoying being with each other right here at home.
Hope you all had a nice weekend!
sounds very nice
hope you all do it again real soon
Lovely. I need to STOP as well.
That sounds so nice. We love to do that, too.
Now that's my kind of camping! Enjoying the backyard, then off to your own comfy beds! Wonderful!!!
Those kinds of evenings where we just stop and enjoy life are so important. You snapped some great pictures of what looks like a fun time.
How lovely! We had a firefly hunt this weekend and it was so great--the kids ran around in their pajamas and whooped with glee every time they spotted a firefly. A true summer evening!
I'm with Anet, a nice quiet outdoorsy evening and then off to a cozy bed! Sounds like you need to have the boys paint you a couple of bat houses for next year......your neighbors might not like you encouraging bats though.
Any ways, sounds like a perfect evening!
Hi everyone! :)
Anet - Exactly. I hurt my back this week (hope your back is feeling better - I thought of you as I hobbled around) and couldn't even bend over to get into the tent...so being in the yard, hanging out, and then comfy bed was DEFINITELY a good thing! :)
Sharon - Yes on the bat houses! We have talked to a few neighbors right around our house and people seem cool with it, so I think we will try next spring!
The mosquitoes have been horrible here too. My oldest is so allergic, he has welts all over his legs. Glad you got to get out in the yard!
Oh no! not you too!!! Mine is a bit better. The cold then heat trick helped alot and stretching. I hope your back feels better quickly. Mine's been over a week now. blah...
Take care now!
We did have a nice weekend with a nice visit from a friend, even though:
A. N. is in New Jersey and it has been nearly a month since I've seen my boychick
B. Dolly, though much diminished, paid New Mexico a disatrous visit.
Camping in my back yard is my absolute favorite childhood memory!
We have a lot in common! The same fire pit and a love of sitting around it with loved ones! You guys have skeeters....we have RAIN.
Glad you all had fun!
Backyard camp-outs – there is nothing better. And I couldn't agree more about the mosquitoes - I can't remember a time when they were worse!
now this is the camping i enjoy...
we are in such a run down campground...and it is everything to stay positive, as we have one more week...ugh!
i love your fire pit and the boys' in the tent...fun times!
mosquitoes are no fun...we were told there were not many in carbondale, but we have found a few...nothing compared to alaska, so it is tolerable.
Denise, What a lovely story you just told.. This is what life should be...
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