We enjoy making seasonal nature notebooks. Using card stock, paper, stickers, stamps, envelopes and other bits and pieces, we assemble smalls journals to take with us on walks or to try to draw what we remember when we get home. We last made nature notebooks last fall, so today we made a set for spring!

We first cut the base paper (I just cut 8.5x11" pages in half). The boys cut pieces of paper to glue on the covers and punched insect shapes onto the page corners.

They stamped birds, butterflies and dragonflies on the pages as well as on the cover, and decorated the front with a feather.

After I help assemble the pieces and punch holes, they use embroidery floss to stitch the binding. They look great!
Since my boys are very young we don't quite use a nature journal as an older child would, but they both do enjoy drawing in their special nature journals after seeing something interesting outside, and having a special place to put their goodies.
Here I was, just about ready to go and buy a nature journal for my daughter- this is a much better idea.
I just found a couple of old sketch books for the girls, our next crafty adventure might have to be decorating I think!
Thanks Denise...;) Xxx
These are great! I too, had a couple of nature journals bookmarked at Amazon to buy- but these are so much more special and creative. Thanks for sharing them!
This is just one of the reasons I love visiting here! Congratulations on being featured on Crafty Crow, very cool!
wow, nice project. we might be trying something like that soon. i think our girls will enjoy that.
Great idea, and they turned out so nice! Some day it will be fun to look through those journals again :)
In a couple weeks I get to teach a workshop on sewing with young children to child care providers from around the region-- stitching books is a great addition to the projects I had in mind to present! Great!
How creative! I love it.
Oh these are so much better than purchased nature journals! It's nice to have a place to draw all the things they see out in nature. :)
Those are great!!!!!
another great idea! way to go mama! what lucky boys :)
...my boys' are on the next plane to you..they would love to make these nature journals...you are so good!
...thanks for being so incredibly inspiring!
I love these... I think we'll make them match the kid's nature boxes :)
Thanks for the inspiration!
Such a good idea, and simply too! I try to make it with my kids!
Years ago, before children, I had a journal-making tea for my women friends. We also sewed little matching drawstring pouches to put them in.
I wonder if we couldn't put little plastic pockets in these somehow so we could preserve some leaves, flat mementos. Hmm...
Deb- we glue envelopes onto the page so that they can slip things in. We also like the wax paper bags - they glue/tape on the page and are a perfect size to insert goodies! :)
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