The weather this time of year is pretty up and down. Freeze, snow, hail, ice, warm, sunny, cloudy, foggy, thunderstorms, thundersnow (yes!), wind... We know it as spring here in Wisconsin. We have been getting out as much as possible for our nature walks and green hour outings. This weekend it was cold but not too windy. Many hiking paths in our area are closed right now to preserve the trails, so we found a few other places to visit!

One nature walk was at our local botanical gardens. It is interesting, because only here have we seen buds, growth, and birds (lots of birds!). So while it seems everything is still asleep throughout our area, the moment we entered the outdoor gardens it just exploded with activity. Birds singing, chirping, flying, fighting, flaunting. Busy busy busy. Buds on trees, flowers pushing through the snow. So much to see and hear. We walked and looked, and also took time to stand and listen to the cacophony.

Flowers pushing up - A particularly liked the white snowbells and crocuses coming up through the snow and leaves.

In addition to the new growth, we also saw what was left behind from last season - peeling bark, pods, seeds, leaves. So much beauty!
I love that we can take pictures of the most interesting plants, trees and birds on our walks, and then look them up when we get home. A has a bunch of favorites from the weekend - time to get searching!
We've had a crazy mixed bag of weather in Washington state also. Right now we have hail, but there must be a rainbow somewhere because there is a brilliant spot of sunlight shining east of me, but black sky to the west. I love spring- I'm glad it's finally reached you in Wisconsin.
I just want to climb right into your photos & join you!
And "thundersnow"? Now that's something to think about! Xxx
I love spring. Well, except for all the wind and rain we get this time of the year.
Very inspiring, I received the "handbook of Nature" in the mail on Friday, i am so impressed with what a great resource it is. The family has been passing it around all weekend.
(if you unjumble the word verification code, it says "sex snob"-sorry couldn't resist)
Looks just the same in Idaho! lol We woke up to an inch of snow (yet again) but it melted off quickly.
The buds on the trees are exciting! We have a few flowers popping up....daffodils, tulips, and crocuses, but no flowers yet. Soon, I think. :)
Spring's a-comin'!
ohhh! peely bark! i always want to pick at it. :)
the texture in the first photo is amazing!
Puyallup florist
The crocus poking through- Spring is here!
SPRING! yippeeee!
Beautiful. I've noticed that too. The garden can look so static. But the moment I enter it explodes with activity. More than meets the eye.
wow, nice photography. i like the first picture of the weeds and tall brown grass and the last picture of the tree with the peeling bark. i was thinking, "boy, i wish she'd sell some of her photography. those pictures would look great on my bedroom wall."
wow, nice photography. would you think of selling any of those? i love that first one of the reed with the strange pods and the tree trunk with the peeling bark. both pictures feel so earthy and would look great in my bedroom.
Yay you have crocuses! You've arrived.
I like your header...of course I would!
NeverForgotten--Thank you! I'm flattered...I haven't sold any photos before! I usually take them at a medium resolution so I can fit many on my card...not sure what that would translate too for print resolution!?!
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