Five years ago today I was in labor. For my first, labor was long. My little guy was askew - posterior - and big. Since it was my first birth, I didn't have any idea it was going to be like this. My Bradley classes had videos of peaceful women, giving birth quietly, quickly, easily. I was not quiet. Or quick. Or easy. So much bigger and more intense than anything I could have ever imagined. I pushed for hours and hours. I was so tired. I was afraid I couldn't go on. I remember when the midwife looked me in the eye and told me I HAD to do this - NOW. This is it. I had to finish this, and to give it everything.
When my sweet little boy finally arrived we welcomed him joyfully - skin to skin. I had no idea how he would change my life, my attitudes, my priorities, my emotions. I had no idea how perfectly he would fit into our life as though he had always been there. I had no idea how hard it would be those first weeks, months, years. I had no idea what an amazing journey motherhood would be.

He is such a boy to behold - a meteor of ideas, energy, and love.

He was, and is such a beautiful boy. Happy birthday to your precious five year old. Our kids have birthdays very close together. I've got to get my daughter's birthday post up.
Awww, happy birthday little guy. Wait, I mean big guy!!
Great photos, Denise.
You said it all, who knew our children would change us so much and thank goodness! Enjoy the celebrating!
Thank you for sharing your story, Denise! and, nice picture of you!
Happy birthday, sweet boy!
Hatty Dirtday to yoooooou! Love Poppy & Mei...Xxx
And Happy BIRTH Day to you Mumma. Well done. Xxx
lovely story. my first was born 5 years ago on march 6th.
our stories are so similar. big baby. long labor. lots of pushing...
Happy Birthday!!!!
all 5 fingers, it's big deal!!! life is so good at 5
Oh, Happy Birth Day!
Those big babies are often posterior. So...much...work.
You did it! You both did it!
ah, bradley!! I wanted to SO bad be that perfect natural childbirth person. And guess what I got? A feet first would not turn c section! I still love bradley tho!
Your baby boy is adorable...your photos perfection...hug that little man...he's just such a sweetie pie and so worth doing all that work. Wouldn't we do it over and over and over again? No question, huh?
My first, my daughter, was also a very big baby--8 lbs 8 oz. Although my labor was not protracted--active labor was 12 hours--it was harder than I thought it would be. At one point, my midwife, too, had to take my hand and say, "It's really time to come back to us and have this baby. Now." And I did. Although I had a pretty good tear, having her born in our bedroom as the evening sun slanted in through the windows was wonderful. She looked quietly around the room like she recognized it. She was alert and it was all good.
Your pictures from his birthday are fantastic! Someday, you ought to publish a book of photography.
Happy birthday!
You are lucky to have such a sweet boy. And he is so lucky to have such an emphatic mom!
And the pictures are just gorgeous...
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