Yesterday we created golden silks - to bring more of that sun inside! I used a different type of dye this time - it was very easy and the boys could safely do it with me.

We created some solid golden silks, and then A carefully worked on knotting twine with me to create his special pattern. A also wanted to know about the fabric, the dye, how different colors are made, and how/why the color adheres to the material and doesn't rinse out. Very interesting!

They turned out great, and that vivid color is so beautiful!

We made four, so of course now we have a few more than we need - but that is OK - I'm sure they will find a home.
Note: To answer the questions about the white silks and the dye :: I get the white silk squares here. I like the Habotai Scarves which are 35" square. They also sell the Jacquard acid dyes at this site too (they have a big selection). But this time I bought the dye from here (scroll down) instead, and they had special instructions of their own that they mailed with the order which doesn't use boiling water - making the process a bit more child friendly and it worked great!
We have our share of silks around to play with, they've always been a hit.
I love that rich yummy gold color. :)
The silks turned out lovely. What dye did you use, I used some marigold this fall but didn't use the right mordant so it didn't turn out the way I wanted.
I love the pictures of the boys on their bikes.
Hi - love your blog and all the crafts that you do.
Where does one get the white silks?
Love all the crafts!
Where does one get the white silks?
Oh yes! Golds and yellows and sun and joy and dancing and singing....la la la la la la....
The silks remind me of the sun. Great job!
Lovely! We haven't dyed silks for so long--we have so many that we really don't need more. But I do love the act of dyeing and the uncertainty--just what will the color turn out to be this time?--as well as the joy of seeing drying silks flapping in the breeze of, best of all, being tied to a child as they run with the newly dyed silk behind them.
Oh, the joy and warmth of your last two posts! The bike riding with all that snow...what great pics! It is snowing here today but it's that kind of snow that says "I've got a little energy left and I'm gonna sprinkle this stuff around, but my hearts not in it..." which means spring will be here soon. Send some our way!
They look great! Where can I find that dye?
Those are such beautiful colors. I would like to dye some more silks to have on hand as gifts.
Oh, the color is so golden and sunshiny! Spring is getting here, and there, too, I see. Even if your boys in sweatshirts are riding among three foot snowbanks. :)
Such good info too, thank-you! Xxx
I can't wait 'til my daughter gets bigger now to try the lap blackboards and this silk dying process. The end result is so lovely.
absolutely gorgeous. girl, you are so inspiring with the cool stuff you do!! :)
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