I have two sick little guys. A picked up the cold virus first and started feeling bad over the weekend, and then inevitably G, the asthma boy, started getting symptoms, and was hit full force late last night.
Remember this? Yeah. They seem better tonight - after a day of yummy smoothies, good books, and snuggles on the couch. Sweet boys.
Awwwwwwww, poor babies.
Come over to mine, there is something for you to cheer you up...Xxx
Being sick is no darn fun. Hope your little ones recover quickly. We've had our own run of some tenacious throat virus that keeps getting passed around the house. I think we're near the end of it though.
We've had (sick) friends visiting and... my kids are sick, too!
He's too cute to be sick.
I was thinking yesterday that maybe I had escaped the flu this year. Oh no, I said that out loud.:(
Be better wishes coming your way!
Ugh! Scott and I have been struggling with it for weeks, I am better since being able to run outside again. Now poor Evie seems to have picked it up the day before her b-day! Honey, lemon juice and cayenne pepper works for us!
Love the eggs from yesterday, we used to put a leaf (parsley, tarragon etc.) on an egg and hold it in place with a nylon and boil them in onion skins. The impression of the leaf remained.
I always love getting to peek in at your life! All the best for a great spring!
Bummer. Sorry for the sickness going around...that smoothie looks SO good! We've been having lots of smoothies lately around here, too! Delish.
That's so hard when your little sweeties are sick. I hope they feel better soon. Smoothies sounds like a great way to get them healthy again.
I say get it now...so he can run...run...run...in the sun!
You are a good mama...smoothies, books and snuggles...that is my kind of sick remedy!
Hope Healthy days are in sight soon!
I hope you are all on the mend soon:)I am sending you lots of healing love!
When I was a single mama I lived with another single mom and her little boy,who had asthma and had to use the nebulizer often. Especially when she had to send him to a yucky daycare where he was picking up every bug that went around. Once she got the neb. there were a lot less visits to the ER. Like you, slowing down and cooking all together and lots of snuggles and books helped a lot.
Poor little guys!
But they got what they needed. The snuggling on the couch--that's probably better than chicken soup!
Be well soon!
I hope they feel better soon :)
Ugh...viruses be gone!
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