We have been hanging low, working to keep G (asthma boy) virus free. November is always his first big month of ER/Urgent Care visits, nebulizers, and breathing problems. This year we are being extra (extra, extra?) careful. Last weekend was Snake Day at a museum in Milwaukee. The boys REALLY wanted to go, so we all made an exception to our 'crowd' aversion and went. I'm so glad we did!

Snake Day is an annual event - but this year they expanded it quite a bit. There were dozens of volunteers there with so many types of snakes, lizards and other reptiles. So cool.

The boys were in awe. We spent hours going around and around over and over again.

They got to handle snakes, ask questions, see so many types and learn a lot. They were so interested and gentle with these creatures - and admired their beauty.

I am sure this was a day they will always remember!
Oh what a brave mom you are! Your boys look real comfortable with those snakes. Maybe too comfortable. Soon they will want a collection of their own at home :)
it looks awesome! i would have loved it too, not just it's so great to see the kids being so cool and gentle with animals, but i am really fascinated by snakes myself :)
my N, now 4, has been dealing a lot with asthma and all the hassle that comes along (pneumonia, throat infections etc), he seems to have outgrown it (knock on wood!), as last winter was relatively free of attacks. i will cross my fingers and hope you get through the coming months without too much sickness.
i guess all boys love snakes and other small creatures.
definitely! those smiles say everything! have a great week denise! besos!
Hi Denise
How awesome to have that experience, after all snakes are animals too and obviously respond to be treated well.
VERY cool! So nice to see children unafraid of and so embracing of snakes. And the white one! WOW!
I like the white one. No close ups. The kids kinda have that look like "mom back off, I am cool, I have a snake around my neck!"
Amazing outing ~ the snakes are beautiful! Owen would love to hold one I'm sure :)
Best wishes for G to stay well!
Bug would LOVE that! I'll try to remember this for next year. Grandma lives in Milwaukee, so we try to work in a few trips there each year.
Bug would LOVE that! I'll try to remember this for next year. Grandma lives in Milwaukee, so we get there several times a year.
My kids are loving this post! Those are some brave boys you've got there.
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