Thanks for all of the well wishes and emails this week. G is doing better and breathing better again. What a week!
We managed to have one clear day yesterday in between G feeling better and A coming down with something (poor guy!), and we were able to get out early to the Garden Expo. It was nice to wander a little bit to get some information we were looking for on composting, vermicomposting, local trail restoration, rain barrels, hiking trails, and more. The boys loved seeing worms, getting to dig through compost, and chatting with people along the way. We picked up a mushroom log to start this week (fun science project!), and have a lot of great info to sort through.
I'm working on catching myself back up and jumping back into the garden planning - until then, A needs some extra care and attention. Hope you all had a nice weekend!
Have a wonderful week!
I'm glad you all got a wee break before the next illness. I do hope everyone is feeling well very soon.
Good timing for the expo between viruses :-)
Argh! I am so jealous you met Scott this weekend! And so pleased your kiddos are feeling better!
Compost makes my heart go pitter pat.
Maybe I"ll get out to our pile tomorrow and dig in to feel the warmth. (under yesterday's avo skins, apple cores and orange peels.)
And drag the babes with me, of course. :)
Sending loves and healthy well-wishes to you and your three lovey boys.
I've seen those mushroom logs in seed catalogs. I hope you keep us updated on how yours does. The garden expo sounds fun.
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