After staying healthy for months now, I finally was hit with a cold and am a bit under the weather.

What to do with little spunky guys while mom is feeling not-so-hot has never been too much of an issue. They have each other and enjoy days at home - there are lots of stories to be told, places to be imagined, crafts to be done, pictures to be sketched, scooter to be ridden (yes, inside), books to be read, yarn to be knit, letters to be written, and castles to be built.

Of course they find a way to make time in their busy schedule to give me lots of snuggles and give pointers on what to grow where as I sketch our garden layout yet again with my foggy stuffed up head. They even constructed an EMP generator out of legos to make me feel better (it pulsates, attacking the virus and helping my white blood cells fight it off - who knew?). Their energy is contagious, of course, and who can feel blechy with all that little guy action going on?
Feel better soon! I'd send you some healing vibes but I just got a cold too :-(
LEGOs may be plastic cubes, but it's truly amazing how many things can be made from them!
Sounds like us after watching Magic School Bus!
I'm sorry you're icky!
Love the painting of the lady with the cigarette - methinks there's a story there somewhere.
Hope the boys continue to be contagious, and not you. :) I'll send help if it gets tough.
Hope you feel better soon.
hope you are feeling better...no fun to be icky...glad your boys' are taking good care of you. hugs to you!
Sounds like you have wonderful boys with great imaginations! The best kind. Hope you feel well soon.
hello, have discovered your blog and love reading about your boys (and photos too). I am an unschooling mama to two boys (in the western mountains of Canada). Love being inspired by ideas and experiences of other mindful moms.
Look forward to visiting both your blogs (I am a foodie too) again and again. :-)
Feel better soon.
Well wishes, Mama Denise.
I think my kids like it better when I am sick because they can come and sit (or lay with me) and all I'm doing is talking with them. Not doing so much like I usually am. lol
I like to see your painting pop in now and then.
Hope you feel better soon! :)
hope you feel better soon.
i too love that painting of the lady with the cig. very nice.
It sounds like you have a great team to keep you entertained while you're feeling ill. LOVE the lego EMP :-))
Hope you feel better soon.
Good sweet boys to help their Momma fight the nasty virus!!
I think I will be joining you with the sickies.... Owen is miserable at the moment but I'm still trying to hold it at bay :0)
Ah, Lego's are just amazing!
Sounds like this stuff is all over.
Feel better momma!
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. It looks like the spunky little guys are entertaining themselves well nonetheless. Feel better soon!
It' s always a pleausure to read your posts, hope you feel better soon. greets from Italy
Yes, feel better soon. Even under the weather your life looks beautiful and productive.
Love the EMP generator! LOL - the imagination of children is a beautiful thing.
Those sweet little boys of yours sound like the perfect antidote to feeling under the weather. That's so cute about their little lego creation.
I hear you on the sicky. We're under the weather also. Yuck! Hope you all get better soon!
I am keeping my fingers crossed I stay healthy...my daughter is feeling better but my lil one woke up this morning with a cough, poor guy.
I am hoping it skips me :)
Feel better~
Ohhh, feel better soon, Denise! I'm sure it helps tenfold to have their energy around the house. Your boys get along so beautifully!
Where did you find that knitting loom? It's adorable.
and EMT (?) generator? Say what?! It sounds so ...precise! Have you little engineers on your hands? :)
What a lucky girl to have such independent little men! I too have been under the weather (way under!) but mine are still too young to fend for themselves so dad has had to stay home.
I hope you feel better soon!
Dang you're sick! Mine was/is more allergy related, although I'd take a passing cold over a running nose for 2 months! :) Hope you're feeling better soon!
I hope that you are feeling better soon!
Get well soon! Your boys are so darn sweet!!!
What is this a picture of?
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