A few times a year we make sun prints. It is interesting to see how slowly/quickly the sensitive paper develops the image based on the amount of sunlight and time of year. For the winter solstice, our sun prints which used what light came in through our windows took many minutes to develop. For the summer solstice last week, it was VERY fast. One of the challenges with making sun prints "fun" for the boys is finding something to DO with the prints after. They LOVE making them, but the actual process takes only minutes. This time around we made them into artwork...both interesting and creative!

First the boys picked their items and placed them on the paper (they chose flowers, herbs, and leaves). We went into the sun, and the boys held the tray still as it exposed fully in the sunshine.

When done, we rinsed them in cool water for a few minutes and then let them dry. They like watching it go from a positive to a negative image.

We end up with these cool bold blue sun prints. The boys wanted to 'do' something with them, so they glued them onto card stock and embellished them with different botanical paper shapes that they picked out.

They then punched the ends with a big puncher and strung them together ~ but they would also make great cards or look nice in a frame.
Fun! Sun!
Happy Solstice to you!
Wow, these are AMAZING.
I love the very modern touch this craft has too.
very nice. what a great idea.
This has been on my list of summer things to do for a long time. Thanks for the reminder. I think I'll take some along when we go to Maine this summer.
These turned out beautiful! I did this with my two older children when they were little, it was so fasinating for them.
We also made a solar hot dog roaster, it really worked!
I should ckeck the Teacher Store to see if I could get some solar paper for Noah. He would like that.
Thanks for sharing this, I almost forgot how cool it is!
And my next question: you create sooo much with the boys. Where do you show/keep/display/save it all?
Denise, again, you are the queen of crafts. I just followed your link and ordered 3 sunprint kits myself. I have never seen or heard of them until this moment. Thank you.
The finished prints look great. How fun!
These turned out great! I found, several years ago, some fabric of the same nature, we use the fabric for patches on back packs, made little bags, and pillow cases. I also found some big solar paper last week in Ithaca that I wanted to do with Amelia but she is so busy with her things that we just don't have time to craft..... I need to have more babies!!
These are so beautiful and original!
oh so fun...and beautiful!
Oh I used to have such fun with my older girls and sun prints. I have not introduced Soophie to them yet. I must make a note to do it soon. Thanks. Blessings.
I've visited your blog many times and have never left a comment. I am "delurking" to let you know how much I enjoy your blog AND that I can hardly wait to try this activity with my children. Thanks for all you share.
I love sun prints and the boy's print turn out beautifully! The images are so real that they make me think of Plato's cave allegory........maybe I'll do this activity with Goth (again, it's been a while) to help her understand how much of what we think we know is shadow.....I really need to start thinking about her fall curriculum and that's not a bad point to start from! Thanks!!!
We went through a phase where we couldn't make enough but had the same problem with the fast turnaround time. I love what you've done here.
Weeeeeeeiiiiiiird! We're on the same wavelength, man! We just made some sun prints on our camping trip, but with consrtuction paper. Not as dramatic a result-but a softer pastel-y look. What great flair you've added! We're going to make ours into cards.
Id never heard of Sunprint paper
before but was inspired to have a look and we can get it in New Zealand
we may have a play with us without much longer thanks heaps
love the boys creations
Hey! I saw those at your house, and thought they were so cool I was going to ask you where you *bought them*.
Thanks for the neat idea.
Found your blog by way of Flickr. Thanks for the idea...this will be a summertime activity for my boys! Off to order some paper.
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