Both A and G have been wanting to paint birdhouses for a long while, and today I had all of the supplies ready to go for them to paint with the "mom paints".

The boys know that there is a difference between the watercolors and the acrylics. They get excited when they know we are doing a project with these paints (and brushes), and want to use every single color and every size and shape of brush.

I first primed the raw wood birdhouses (we used the pre-made wooden birdhouses because, well, power tools and a spunky 3 year old don't mix!) with an artists white gloss indoor/outdoor acrylic paint. The boys then painstakingly painted over that, and ended up with some colorful funky birdhouses. After the paint dried, they added some rub on decals of insects to add the final touch.

After I added a quick coating of water based varnish, we took them out into the yard and each selected where he wanted his birdhouse to hang. While we may not ever have birds living in them, they add some great color to the garden, and the boys love that! A now wants to know what type of birds might nest in something like this, and also where do mourning doves nest (and could he build something the right size for them), so tomorrow we are off to find out more!
One of my favorite things in the world is to see the boys run to the door, screaming happily at dad the moment he walks in from work, SO happy and excited to show him (NOW!) what they have created.
okay...those have to be the cutest houses ever...i wanna live in one...A & G did a wonderful job painting...and those decals are too fun.
your garden has to be the most colorful on your block...with those cute little gnomes too.
they look wonderful
You blog is so wonderful. I get so many good ideas and inspiration from it. Thank you so much!
The doves nest on crooks of branches near the trunks of trees. They also like platforms. Your guys could paint platforms for them! They build not-very-sturdy twig nests, so the platform is essential.
Have fun.
Love them! So bright and cheery any bird would love;)
Those are some beautiful bird houses.. any bird would be proud to live in them.
great colors! I love painting bird houses!
great birdhouses. if i were a bird i'd definitely hang my hat in one of them.
i love that moment as well...when papa comes home and the boys run to him shouting boisterously about their/our day. it always makes me smile.
Those bird houses turned out so cute. It looks like your boys spent a lot of time and care on them.
There is something so whimsical about birdhouses! Your kids's came out beautiful. I'm hoping to do some with the kids as soon as we get another warm sunny day. We'd like to tuck them away all around the property.
Last year they put together a birdhouse with a see-through back that you mount on a higp up window. We're still waiting for a bird to move in so we can view the life cycle! I need to find out more about alaska birds and their behavior...
Im so jealous at all your great weather! Eighty degrees?! Wow!! Enjoyed the last couple posts!
Thanks for the tips Lizz.
Maria - you know how WI weather goes. It was 80 ONE day. Now it is back into the 50s-60s and rain for the next week or so! :)
Where did you get these great bird house kits? I'd like to do one with the girls, but we don't even own any power tools! lol
Cutting things out of wood isn't gonna happen around here. But we do love a good kit! :)
terrific idea, perhaps we'll try that one for a father's day gift for gandpa
We did those bird houses when the kids were smaller--just bought the premade ones at the craft store and painted them. They're very colorful like your boys' and I still treasure them. Now, at ages 9 and 11, my kids are into designing their own and making them with dads' help. Very cool too! And at 11, my son is beginning to learn to use power tools, though no table sawing yet!!! But the handsaws are okay. It's good to teach them when they get a bit older. My dad never taught me those things and I'm helpless, helpless, and afraid of them, unfortunately!
I love your gnomes too, Denise! I want some now...
Another great project, if I was a bird this is house I would live in.
What a cool project! I'm so intrigued by birdhouses. My parents are way into attracting bluebirds and will 'kick out' any other birds that try to nest in their bluebird houses before the bluebirds get a chance. I put up my hummingbird feeder last week, hope to attract some this year. Love the gnomes, too! I'm curious to hear their stories.
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