I have been searching through books from the library for ideas for my sons 4th birthday. We are trying to focus on more meaningful rituals and celebrations, reduce our plastics and character toys, and incorporate more natural elements into our home and play. SO. When looking for birthday party ideas, everything is bright, plastic, not made from renewable or recyclable materials. The icing is colored with who knows what. The refined sugar is crazy. Now, I am not going to serve granola cake on brown paper bags - I want it to be fun, important, and festive - but I don't want a pre-packaged party kind of theme thing.
My almost four year old wants John Deere (he, as every other 3 year old boy, loves construction and farm equipment). I thought I could incorporate that into a fun party "theme" without going matching store bought day glo stuff.
In my search, I came across a great book from the library. It has party games, themes, decor and costumes, and more which are are closer to the natural play ideology. There are many great ideas. Some are for school aged children, but there are plenty of ideas that can be incorporated for younger kids.
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