Often, the weekends with the fewest plans find the most adventure. This weekend was one of those happily wandering, busy but not obligated ones...

...full of playing with neighbors in the alley, board games, 3-D glasses, 'pick your favorite' take out...

...World Cup Soccer, reading, playing, gardening...

...picking lots of strawberries in our own yard, park visiting, tree climbing...

...baking, making syrups and jams, creating new ice cream flavors...

...small towns for shoes, parks, baked goodies...

...interesting Main Streets, reading plaques, learning about the history of these small towns and the railroad going by...

...finding interesting spots to stop for lunch (we found one with a running model train!), local organic seasonal produce, 'old fashioned' playground equipment...

...a picnic under a tin roof in the rain, bird watching, snuggling on the couch, laughing, exploring. My kind of weekend.
Happy Monday!
now that sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend of wandering! love it!!!!
You know--we haven't had a weekend like that in a long, long time. Thanks for reminding me! Next weekend, I'll have to take the phone off the hook, set the cell to silent and ignore any and all attempts to schedule us. There's just been TMS! (Too Much Stuff).
Sounds like heaven!
Looks like a wonderful weekend full of happiness and activities!
Yep, that sure does sounds perfect.
Sounds picturesque and lovely. Your photos are amazing and I love the vintage tones, very eloquent.
Wow! you did a lot of different things. sounds fun :D
Looks like a great weekend. The strawberries are beautiful and the old merry-go-round looks like fun. :)
sounds wonderful. especially lunch in the rain under a tin roof.
Sounds like an awesome weekend to me!
Love your photos! Do you do anything special to get that vintage feel/quality? I'd like to know!
A beautifully captured weekend, D!
A lovely weekend, to be sure.
When I saw those berries the other day (when I first saw your post), I gasped!!! What!?! So many!!!
Can't believe it. I've had two, now.
And the snails have claimed others that are ripening, though I haven't decided if I'm relenting, yet.
I'm glad you had such a lovely weekend.
Sounds like a swell recalibration!
Astrid - photos:: I play around in Photoshop, create actions, and download (for photoshop) actions. The skateboarding pix are using a new action (prettier than a gray rainy morning). I can email you a few links, if you are interested!
Stephanie - We have a LOT of strawberries this year. Last year almost nothing. We have slugs (and birds and pill bugs, and...) eating them too. As you know it is a race, so I have just been picking them daily, or twice a day. I have done a few kelp applications, put on extra mulch just a few weeks ago , and keep sprinkling eggshells in and around as we go. I was getting 2-3 pounds a day, today I got just 1.5 pounds, so probably at the tail end of the season!
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