Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent, and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play.
~Henri Matisse

Play is training for the unexpected.
~Marc Bekoff

A child loves his play, not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.
~Benjamin Spock

Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.
~Fred Rogers

Children learn as they play. Most importantly,
in play children learn how to learn.
~O. Fred Donaldson

Life must be lived as play.

Play is our brain's favorite way of learning.
~Diane Ackerman
Whether we are by a creek, in the woods, at a playground, in our yard, in the car, at home, or at the library -- wherever we go, whatever we are doing, we have tales and adventures that come along. Ocean rescues, super ninjas, scientists saving the planet, knights on a quest, treacherous mountain treks, friendly dragons, amazing characters and plots and story lines. We take the play with us. Doesn't get much better than that.
Looks like a good time :)
The second picture makes me smile!! The force is strong in that one, no?
Love this so much.
Well said, and I love all of those quotes! I wish more people could see learning this way.
You're doing a fabulous job mama!
I love the imaginations of children. Those are some great photos.
Gorgeous and wise post.
Great photos and great quotes !
happy day!
Beautiful post...beautiful photos and beautiful sentiments. So true.
Very nice post. The quotes are perfect, and I love your "we take the play with us".
I love the Matisse quote. My husband and I were able to visit the temporary Matisse exhibit at the Art Institute this week. It was incredible!
This is just a great post! The quotes are wonderful, and oh so true. I am amazed at all the play that happens around here, and I am always watching to see how it works. It is indeed creative, fun, hard, and noisy!
Great pictures, that looks like some uniquely cool playground equipment.
What a rich life!
Awesome and fun times!!
Love it.
Where is this park? Would you mind emailing it to me? I can just see Bry having a blast w/it. He loves to climb and would truly love it.
gardiner94 @ aim (dot) com (no spaces ~grin~)
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