I love spring weekends. Busy, busy, weekends full of gardening and raised beds and mulch. Full of biking, walks, kids running and playing and so, so much sunshine. And, of course, dirty tired boys at the end of each day.
I love those warm spring days full of the seasons first popsicles, snacks on the deck, birds singing overhead, little boys knees bare for the first time in months, iced coffee cafe breaks, going barefoot, seeing neighbors out in the alley chatting and catching up after a long winter.

I love spring light - the way the sun angles in a new way, and is just...more...more gold, more pink, more blue, more violet. Spring drives on quiet country roads as the golden light lingers longer each day. Warm sunny days with windows open and little boys exploring from sun up to sun down. Hope you all had a nice weekend!
Agreed. :-)
I love these weekends too. Hubby home and getting time with Zeb, the two of us working together in the garden, making cookies, playing Monopoly, and just relaxing all three of *together*. Beautiful days.
Glad to see you are warming up. We are too. Now I'll get to bemoan my weather and wish for yours. ;)
I love your post...it makes me smile!
I love it too! Great pic of the boys~ We had a "real" weekend this weekend too...not the hustle and bustle kind, the be with each other and relax kind. The I feel so ready for the week kind~ More please :)
Great post. I love the photos! Happy spring!
It'll be gogogo for a while, hmmm?
and then loooong days of sunshine and shade and iced tea and swimmin' pools and playin' in the hose.
I love all of it!
Fantastic pictures!
Weekends spent in the sunshine.... the best.
It is wonderful, isn't it? I've even found some morels ready to be picked this weekend! Happy Spring!
Wonderful photos!
I'm so happy Spring is here.
Ditto :-)
Couldn't agree more! Isn't it wonderful?!
I love these pictures, and the sentiments. I completely agree...spring weekends are wonderful!
I love spring too! We're sooo busy, but very content as well:)
So right. Love the picture of the trees-the lighting is magnificent and the trees look like they're doing a celebratory spring dance!
Love that last photo - there's just something about trees in silhouette, isn't there?
We ahd our first popsicles yesterday--- made with organic Italian Strawberry Nectar; yum!
How lovely! Spring weekends are great! Love the pics :)
yes. yes. yes.
Do we love spring so much for it's magic and beauty or because winter came first? Maybe a bit of both :)
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