All quiet here with two sick boys. A is on day 5, G (asthma guy) just started last night. So today looks like this...

After a night of this...

But I made some of these,

and have all of this,

so we can be comfortable at home, doing some (early) crafts, moving slowly, trying to keep the coughs under control. I'm off to make some warm water with honey to ease little sore throats and snuggle in for a movie.
Happy Friday!
Looks like Mama has all that is needed for a cozy, snuggly and fun sick day. I hope they feel better soon. Love the books you have.
oh, poor thing. We just finished with those. I remember that nebulizer (sp??). Hope your little guy get well soon!! But those materials looks wonderful.
Oh my! We need that warm weather! We are sending lots of good wishes your way, looks like time for books and movies!
I sure hate it when the little ones are sick. Always makes me feel so helpless when I can't just give 'em a hug and kiss and make it all better.
Hope yours get well soon!
Aww, you guys have had a winter of it! I hope the little guys are feeling better soon. Can't wait to see what spring crafts you come up with.
More sickness? :( That's too bad! I hope you guys are feeling well again soon.
I am so tired from being up all night with the boys - had to delete my own comment! ;P
Thanks everyone.
It does seem like it has been quite the winter, eh? But I think this is only the 4th cold the boys have had since October. It is just with G's asthma it gets so serious and drags on for *weeks*.
We've been SO careful and have stayed in so much this winter to keep G out of the ER (one doc joked we had to stay in until Mother's Day, no, seriously)...but then A is still in karate and there seems to always be one kid hacking a lung out lying on the mat sick. Grrrr. Hard to avoid for a whole winter with that twice a week. But he loves it so much. LOVES it.
Can't wait for spring and warmth!
Sick children- such a sad sight!
I hope they're feeling better.
Where do you get your art & craft supplies? Is there someplace in Madison? I am rather curious what you're planning on doing with the materials in that last photo.
Hang in there! My kids have both been sick, too. My 2 year old got better for long enough to enjoy about a day of being healthy before she got a nasty cold again. Boo! Come on, spring!
Astrid - I'll post as we go, but we are doing spring equinox crafts for our nature table, and embellishing/carving candles for our Earth Hour this month. :) I get some supplies online, but did find the wooden & paper mache eggs and wooden body figures in town at Michael's Crafts. Beeswax votives I just picked up on Tuesday from a local mom who has lots'o'hives and makes candles/soap and has honey (got two gallons, yummmmmm). I have some eggs from a local mama too, and we are going to start our natural dye experiments again (did a few last year) too, just in time for spring! :)
Sick again...Such a bummer. Thank goodness Spring is around the corner. We all need to get outside and play!
We checked out the very same book from the library. The Spring Equinox book:)
Oh boy, oh boys.
Hope all are feeling well soon.
Can't wait to see your springtime creations.
:( I'm sorry they're sick again. I hope it ends quickly and you get some good crafting time in.
Poor little guys. You do such a great job making sure that they have fun things to do even when they have to stay in.
Oh so sorry to hear about more illness for your little guys. Hope they are up and running very soon. What a great batch of spring crafts it looks like. Blessings.
I'm on day two of the same with my son. Bleh! I hear him coughing in his room...time to get out the hot lemonade again. I hope your boys are back to themselves soon!
Those don't look like very happy faces... so sorry the boys are ill.
You planned ahead, by the looks. I was thinking of trying to paint some eggs using the book An Egg Is Quiet... see if we could replicate the natural look of some of the different species featured. We'll see :)
I hope Madison enjoys a very early, warm Spring for your two sweet guys.
Poor little buddies! Hope they get feeling better soon. Your craft photo inspired me to go to Michael's today to check out all the new spring goodies. :)
Hey we are envious of your cool looking svn mask! We want one here, all we have is the boring kind!
wishing you good health soon. those eyes...they are so sad :(
Many well wishes... no fun when sick! Esp. the little ones! Have a restful weekend!
hope you feel better soon sweet boys!
Bummer....feel better!
We are all finally on the mend around here, hope relief comes soon~
I hope you all get better soon. I look forward to seeing what crafting you do!
Hope your boys are feeling better. Endre has asthma here, so I know how hard it can be ((hugs))
Can't wait to see what you crafted from all the great things ;)
Hi Denise.
I just gave you an award. You can pick it up at my blog.
We just finished our round of 'coughs' - wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Hopefully this great warm weather will help:)
oh, your poor boy! my middle child has that same dinosaur mask for her nebulizer, too. it just breaks my heart to see her have to use it - your boy has the same look on his face that my daughter gets.
glad to see from this week's posts that everyone is up and stompin' in the puddles.
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