Today it snowed, and snowed, and snowed.
We played outside, made snow angels, waved at neighbors and shoveled.

Painted ornaments, practiced karate, baked bread and shoveled.

Read books, played board games, baked cookies and shoveled.

Fed the birds, watched the bunny and...shoveled! Fun day!
Sounds like a wonderful day!
I wish it could snow more here. We do have about 30 cm of snow, but with -20C / 4F, it's just too cold to be outside playing...
The soup looks yummy ;)
wow all that snow!!!
that soup/stew looks so good its making me hungry
it all sounds wonderful. we're envious. especially of all the shoveling :) i think only my guys would say, " i wanna do dat, mama! can i have a shovel too?"
that bread looks fabulous. and was that chili?
Wow. We haven't had that much snow yet! Looks like a cozy day. I think we'll be having a snow day tomorrow--perfect timing as Hels is typing a report for the first time and it is taking hours and we need to catch up on gift making!
Wow! You did get a nice snowstorm :) Owen stayed outside most of yesterday shoveling the few inches we had, it rained last night and now it's all gone :(
Soup looks yummy!
What a lovely day. You have so much more snow than we do--I'm jealous!
I would love to have some snow like that. Not regularly, but maybe on occasion. We never get snow of any substantial amount here. Blessings.
Somebody must have had a growth spurt........he is looking very grown up......or maybe it's all of the extra padding?! Anyways, gorgeous pics, gorgeous day!
That is a junk load of snow! Wishing for that but not for the shoveling ;)
All that food is making me hungry!
Happy Wednesday!
What a lovely day! I want one of those cookies, too!
That sounds like a perfect day. Your food pics are making me hungry!
Ugh! We usually get your weather a day or so later. All super charged up from crossing Lake Michigan. I should check the weather forecast. :) Right now, it's blue skies and sunny...but very cold!
I've recently discovered your blog and find myself returning to it. We're trying the clay votive holders you shared recently.
We're recent transplants to Minnesota from northern California and have been enjoying the snow so much!
Thank you!
That was a busy day! We got about an inch of snow last week that has been lingering, just enough to become icy and good for sledding down small hills. But I sure would love a bunch of fluffy stuff to play in instead of slippery walks and streets.
The snow is coming our way, most likely we will loose power for a couple of days so we are preparing a couple of batches of soup ahead of time! Enjoy!
oh how i love seeing that snow...and oh how i love that someone else is having to do all the shoveling...don't miss that.
those cookies look yummy and the soup looks scrump-diddly-umptious! YUM!
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