After a weekend of middle of the night on-call Physician phone calls and Urgent Care, we woke up today to a winter wonderland. Everything is covered in beautiful fluffy thick snow. The boys were so happy - SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW! Just right to rejuvenate and excite on a Monday morning. I think it makes us ALL feel better!

So while we have to stay home for a few days, we get a glorious view out of our windows - it may only be a few inches, but that is enough!

Snow usually jump starts our holiday crafting - it inspires and brightens everything and gets the boys excited. And I love shoveling first thing in the morning - the quiet, the cold air, and coming in to a nice hot cup of coffee and warm snuggly little boys. Ahhh. Snow!
How incredibly beautiful. I'd love to go stay a week somewhere snowy, the and I have never experienced that. Hope the little guy stays well!
No fair! The kids are dying for snow here in Minnesota, but none so far...
I hope your little guy is doing better, and that you all get some rest.
So pretty! Nothing says the holidays are here like snow! Enjoy! I hope your little one is feeling better. I hope you are feeling better, too! Sometimes these times are even harder on the parents.
We seem to get your weather about a 1/2 day to a day later than you. It has to cross Lake Michigan to get to us. It started snowing big fluffy flakes about 10:00am this morning. It's 1:00pm and everything is covered. Hope the boys are feeling better, stay warm!
Wow! Gorgeous!!! We have to drive about 4 hours to see snow here, and it usually doesn't show up until Jan/Feb.Bet you'll all be having some fun playing in it today!
Oh no. I've read you long enough to know that winters are unduly hard in your household, and here you go again. I trust that you'll get through it together, and look up every now and then to relish the view.
Hurrah for snow!
We may get some on Thursday. Possibly. We hope.
Snow means homemade donuts so my girls can hardly wait for our first few inches of snow.
Enjoy it!
How pretty! I'm so sorry to hear about your rough weekend. I'm glad the snow has helped cheer everyone up a bit.
Yay! We had a small dusting a month ago, but now it is warm days and cold nights. I find I am looking forward to winter.
Isn't the first real snowfall so magical???
That is what we woke up to as well, quite a suprise! Lovely and wet and cold... the beginning of our long winter nap... Hope the household feels better soon!
I hope G is feeling a little better and that the snow cleanses and rejuvenates all of you! Happy crafting.
beautiful photos. i hope your wee-est one is better soon.
I hope G will feel better soon. And I like forward to seeing your holiday creations!
It's snowing as we speak. Wet, gloppy stuff, but white and cold. Wish the family were coming in a sleigh rather than their Boston cars with no snow tires....
Aww, I hope the little guy gets better soon so he can enjoy that snow for real!
We also love the first real snowfall (which we have not had yet, pout pout) and it's when we get out the paper and scissors for cutting snowflakes.
Yesterday was so beautiful to wake up to.
How beautiful! We almost never have snow here, and never of any substantial amount when we do. BTW, I tagged you. Check out my blog for details. Snowy blessings.
Shoveling! Oi! Not Joy!
Ha! just watch your body mechanics and be carefull of your back! I get so many clients in this time of year due to The Shoveling.
Hope those kiddos are better soon!
And hooray for snow!
Wow - I can't believe all the snow you guys got! We only got a dusting way up here in the northwoods.
Believe it or not, it makes me want some! Never thought I would say that.
Oh, it's so beautiful!
We'll see some snow but not for a few months and a bit of drive to get to it...
Of course, we can still head to the beach any day of the week! ;)
Happy Thanksgiving!
It was beautiful, wasn't it? Just happened upon your blog today--hello from a Wisconsin "neighbor." :)
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