"Autumn arrives, array'd in splendid mein;
Vines, cluster'd full, add to the beauteous scene,
And fruit-trees cloth'd profusely laden, nod,
Complaint bowing to the fertile sod."
- Farmer's Almanac, 1818

So many tomatoes still green (will they make it before the frost?), leeks and chives green and tall. Radish and spinach seedlings just peeking out of the soil.

Squash turning golden and leaves turning brown amidst the fuchsia petunias.

Raspberries ripening - so sweet and juicy they never make it into the house in our basket but are eaten right off the cane.

And the pumpkins are turning orange! We have had pumpkin vines winding through bushes, around prairie grasses, through lemon balm, over deck railings and across morning glories. Only now as the plants thin a bit and the pumpkins are turning orange can we even see where they are or how many we have. The boys love finding that peek of orange which signals another renegade pumpkin. We have some smaller ones, but we discovered a very large one in a bush the other day - very exciting!

We love the cooler days and the rain. Fall is almost upon us!
oh how fun...to find the colors in your yard...beautiful photos...and i just love that pumpkin...Fall is upon us!
I am always amazed (and envious) at how much you have in your yard! Beautiful.
We have many of the same things in our yard! And it is a great time of year, I agree. We lost our pumpkins this year to late frost, so sad. We'll have to buy pumpkins for Halloween, too bad.
Your photo walk is beautiful.
I'm so envious! While I loved building our house, I have not loved figuring out our landscape. It's huge and we have no money...sometimes I just want to live in a little cottage with an already established garden that I can just tweak.
I love it when you give us little glimpses into your garden. Pumpkins are definitely on my list of things to plant next year that I missed this year. My tomatoes are still green as well, for the most part. It won't be long before that first frost.
what a beautiful garden :o)
~fingers drumming~
still waiting for tomatoes to turn and peas to appear...
OK, I've got to get out today and take some pics of the gorgeous fall colors....
what a wonderful garden you have-I've really enjoyed watching it's evolution!!
How beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed that walk through your garden in the rain. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
These are great pictures, and your garden looks and sounds wonderful!
The beginnings and ends of the gardening season are my favorites. Although, I wouldn't mind a decent supply of tomatoes all year long. ;)
wow! It's hard to fathom that you still have berries ripening!
Love that pumpkin photo ;)
great photos.
oh to have enough space for a small garden. i'm dreaming of hte day.
Great garden photos, it makes me so excited to think you have all that stuff growing in your small back yard. Truly a revolution.
what a lovely garden you have. :) our flowers are starting to wilt, too, but there's still so much going on in there!
Beautiful garden photos. I love that you chose to take them on a cool, wet day; the color really pops.
I am looking forward to being well enough to plant a garden next year!
I see I'm not the only person who loved the dewy pumpkin!
And I loved the quote as well.
we have seen frost on our pumpkins.
My favourite time of year here! I've LOVED the late summer hot days we've had the last couple of days but I must admit I'm ready for fall to begin. (And we won't even talk about what happens after fall...)
We have some HUGE pumpkins! And one is suspended, as the vine clambered up and over the Dogwood tree. Great pictures.
all the pictures are beautiful but the pumpkin picture is stunning *)
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