We have had a few days of nice weather, and have been able to spend a lot of time outside. Playing, picinics, playgrounds, nature walks, fresh air and sunshine.

There are still bits of snow here and there, but most has melted, and grass is starting to peek up. G was so happy to find a warm patch of grass, he had to lie down, feel the ground, and make "grass angels".

You've got green!! Wow!! I'm jealous, but that means it'll be hear soon!
Love the "grass angels."
The boys look so happy to be outside again!
I've got to hand it to you snowy Mummas, I don't know how you do it...Xxx
Oh, the weather has been just BEAUTIFUL, hasn't it? Days like yesterday and today remind me that there's more to love about Wisconsin than just Winter. Glorious spring and autumn, when the temps behave themselves, are wonderful things.
Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog. These pictures are lovely. My son loves climbing around on huge rocks like I see your son doing. They look like they're having so much fun.
Yippie for outside!! We spent about four hours straight outside yesterday, it was heaven! Our first nice day after a long winter and today is going to be even nicer:) So glad your family is enjoying spring also. Have fun!!
Oh, that looks beautiful! So sweet to see your boys outside enjoying the sunshine :)
That last shot is really nice.
Hmphf...I want grass...brown...puddles where the snow has melted...but most of all I want to make a "GRASS" angel!
King Winter has taken over once again and has chased away Mrs. Thaw...so it continues to look and feel like Winter here in Willow, AK
LOVE the pics!
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