Even though we all have been down with a wicked cold, with weather in the 50's and 60's over the past few days we had to get out for a walk or two!

We needed to keep the boys moving slowly, since they are still coughing a lot (asthma-boy in particular) when they run...so, we made up a game so that we would all walk more slowly. We always have fun making up games together - the boys love it - and they also love determining the points system and keeping exact tallies. ;) The game was to identify as many plant or animal species as we could, and point out buds. That is an easy game for us in the warm months when everything is easily identifiable with colorful flowers or leaves, but in the dull brown of March, it is more of a challenge!

It is a nice game to play, as most walks may seem to only reveal the bare branches or dead flowers of last summer - by slowing down and looking closer we saw how much is indeed alive, growing in the sun, getting ready to bloom. We saw many buds and many birds. Yes, spring is almost here!
Ah, yes, spring. Only 4 days, 1 hour and 26 minutes away. But who's counting!
He he. EXACTLY. :D
what a lovely day. your photos are beautiful. fresh air is always good for the soul & the lungs.
wishing you good health ASAP!
Your weather is warmer in Madison. It actually snowed here in Washington yesterday! But, there are still signs of spring, and they are looking so good. :)
It's great the way you keep your kids busy even when they aren't feeling all that great. It's so hard to resist nature even when you are sick! Hope everyone feels better soon!
I leisurely stroll in the crisp air and warm sun I hope is tonic for you all.
Just look at those gorgeous, plump, green buds on the tree.... yipee!!!
I'm glad you were able to get out with your boys despite the sicklies. I hope they're feeling well to celebrate the official start of the new season. :)
Mmmm, lovely weather!
The new banner pic is gorgeous!!
I'm glad you and your beautiful boys got outside!
Nice weather here, so I think spring cleaning is on hold for a few days!! :)
Thanks everyone! Going in to urgent care with G this morning - very bad asthma night - so we will be inside much of today...and it is going to be SEVENTY DEGREES! Glad we had a chance to get out a little bit in this beautiful weather! :)
Oh dear, I hope feels better soon...
Take Care~
I love seeing the new buds emerge! Yeah for Spring!! I feel for your lil guy, take care!
Oh no, I hope G is recovering! The walk looked gorgeous, is that all right near your house?
We got our package, it was such a sweet surprise, thanks so much Denise!
It's amazing what you see when you slow down and look closely! Hope the boys are feeling better!
Great photos!
Hope everyone's feeling better today...it's starting in my house now, unfortunately! Just wanted to leave a note and say how much I love your blog! Quite inspiring! We're hoping to start a vegetable garden this year and I'll look foreward to following along with how you use yours to homeschool your boys...
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